Title Publication Yearsort icon
BERC 2014 "National List of Medicinal Plants in Palestine - West Bank and Gaza Strip" 2014
BERC-Kour (Al-Abhar)Gardens: Visitor's Guide 2013
Solar Drying of Fruits and Vegetables: Experiences from Palestine 2010
Traditional Arabic Palestinian Herbal Medicine, TAPHM 2008
Traditional Arabic Palestinian Herbal Medicine Web-based Database 2008
Field Guide on the Production and Storage Techniques of Seeds of Indigenous (Baladi) Varieties of Vegetables 2006
Field guide to the "New Hakooreh" 2006
BERC-TIL Botanic Gardens Newsletter 2003
Guide to Trees and Shrubs from Palestine 2003
Palestinian Plants as a Source of Antimycotics 2003
Nablus- Jenin Highway Project: EA in Relation to Biodiversity in the Corridor Areas Passing through Asira Ash-Shamaliya-Al Badhan (AASAB) and New Um At-Tut (NUAT) 2001
Laboratory Studies in General Microbiology [2nd ed.] 2000
The Arab Researcher Guide for Writing and Publishing Research Work [2nd ed.] 2000
Mycology Manual 1998
EIA for a Proposed Quarry and a Stone Cutting Facility for Manufacturing Construction Materials in Jalboun Village - Jenin District 1996
Ecologically Sensitive Areas in the Nablus, Jenin, and Tulkarm Districts: Biodiversity 1996
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a Used Mineral Oil Refinery Facility at Deir-Sharaf/Nablus 1995
Protection of the Palestinian Environment 1995
Laboratory Studies in General Microbiology 1994
The Fig Tree 1991
The Arab Researcher Guide for Writing and Publishing Research Work 1989
Introductory Statistics 1987
The Genus Pythium in the West Bank and Gaza Strip 1986
Laboratory Manual for Mycology 1985
The Geography of Soils 1984