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User Profile

Basic Information

Full Name: 
Tharwat Nizam Hashem Hijjawi
Martial Status: 

Contact Information

Administrative Department: 
Human Resources Department
Email addresses: 
[email protected]
Email addresses: 
[email protected]
Mobile Phone: 
Office Phone: 
+970 9 2345113 Ext (4460)

Short Curriculum Vitae

  • PhD Education Science of Using ICT in teaching and learning French as a foreign Language University of Lille 3
Employment history: 
  • Teaching and Pedagogy: 1. From April 2014- present: member in the team of pedagogical conception of on line programme of minor French, Al Quds Open University. Ramallah. 2. From May 2013- present: Assistant professor, French Department- An-Najah National University. Nablus 3. From 2013/2014 (scholar year)- present: Member in Modern English Schools’ Advisory council. Nablus. 4. From January 2007 until 2009: instructor in the Department of French, An-Najah University, Nablus, charged of various courses for the B.A program. 5. From February 2008- August 2009 : Chair of the Department of French, An-Najah University, Nablus 6. 2000- 2004: Teacher of French, Charged of courses for children, adolescents, Public schools: Hajja Rashda School & Al-Ansari School).
  • Translation and Interpretation 1. 2012: Interpreter for official French media interviews with the group of “Young Palestinian Journalist”. Lille. 2. 2010, 2011: Interpreter for some French association in Lille (Génération Palestine, Amitiés Lille-Naplouse…). 3. 2005-2009 Interpreter and translator for various workshops of RUFO (Tempus project) in Lille & Ramallah. 4. 1999–2000: Translator (English-Arabic; Arabic- English) for « Palestinian Group for Management & Planning ».
Research Interests: 
  • Education
  • Autonomy
  • E-learning
  • Foreign Language learning and teaching
  • Active learning Evaluation
  • Phonetics Linguistics
  • Innovation
Curriculum Vitae: 


Member for
9 years 20 weeks