DNA recognition; isothermal titration calorimetry; minor-groove binders; NMR spectroscopy; self-assembly; thiazotropsins

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Molecular recognition of DNA by thiazotropsin class analogues through the DNA minor groove.

Journal Title, Volume, Page: 
European Journal of Chemical Biology, DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201402202
Year of Publication: 
Alniss HY, et al
Department of Pharmacy, An-Najah National University, Nablus , Palestine
Current Affiliation: 
Department of Pharmacy, An-Najah National University
Preferred Abstract (Original): 
Solution-phase self-association characteristics and DNA molecular-recognition properties are reported for three close analogues of minor-groove-binding ligands from the thiazotropsin class of lexitropsin molecules; they incorporate isopropyl thiazole as a lipophilic building block. Thiazotropsin B (AcImPyiPrThDp) shows similar self-assembly characteristics to thiazotropsin A (FoPyPyiPrThDp), although it is engineered, by incorporation of imidazole in place of N-methyl pyrrole, to swap its DNA recognition target from 5′-ACTAGT-3′ to 5′-ACGCGT-3′. Replacement of the formamide head group in thiazotropsin A by nicotinamide in AIK-18/51 results in a measureable difference in solution-phase self-assembly character and substantially enhanced DNA association characteristics. The structures and associated thermodynamic parameters of self-assembled ligand aggregates and their complexes with their respective DNA targets are considered in the context of cluster targeting of DNA by minor-groove complexes.
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