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User Profile

Basic Information

Full Name: 
Dr. Hasan Y. Alniss
Sat, 1978-06-03
Martial Status: 

Contact Information

Email addresses: 
[email protected]
Email addresses: 
[email protected]
Office Phone: 
+970 9 2345113 Ext (2128)
Department of Pharmacy

Personal Information

About me: 

Dr. Hasan Alniss is an assistant professor in the Department of Pharmacy at An-Najah National University. He obtained his B.Sc. in Pharmacy from  An-Najah National University (2001) and then spent five years working for the Palestinian Ministry of Health as a pharmacist before obtaining his M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Analysis (2007) and PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (2011) from the Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Strathclyde-UK. Dr. Alniss took up his position at An-Najah National University as an assistant professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry in 2011. In 2013, he has been granted the Distinguished Scholar Award from the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development and moved to the University of Toronto as a visiting professor in the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy.

Dr. Alniss is involved in teaching undergraduate pharmacy students and supervising the postgraduate M.Sc. students. Taught courses include:

  •  Medicinal Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  •  Quality Control of drugs
  • Organic Chemistry Lab

In terms of research, his primary interest is cancer drug discovery and the biophysical characterization of nucleic acid structures and the complexes they form with drugs.

Research interests:

  •  Biophysical characterization of ligand- nucleic acids associations by using different biophysical  techniques (NMR spectroscopy, Isothermal Titration Calorimetry and Circular Dichroism)
  •  Synthesis of DNA binding agents
  • Molecular modeling of ligand-nucleic acids interactions
  • Pharmaceutical analysis
  • Development of non viral gene delivery vehicles

Short Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae: 


Member for
13 years 4 weeks