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User Profile

Basic Information

Full Name: 
Ghassan Odeh
Martial Status: 

Contact Information

Email addresses: 
[email protected]
Email addresses: 
[email protected]
Email addresses: 
[email protected]
Mobile Phone: 
+970 599548 693
Land Phone: 
+970 9 234 45113
Office Phone: 
+970 9 2345113 Ext (2322)
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, An-Najah N. University Nablus, Palestine

Personal Information

About me: 

Short Curriculum Vitae

  • 1998: Ph.D. Civil Engineering Department, Structures, Middle East Technical University, Ankara -Turkey
  • 1989: M.Sc. Civil Engineering Department, Structures, Middle East Technical University, Ankara -Turkey
  • 1986: B.Sc. Civil Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara - Turkey July 1986
Employment history: 
  • From September 2005 to Present: An-Najah National University, Nablus, West-Bank, Palestine. Faculty member, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering
  • From October 2003 – July 2005: Cyprus International University, CIU, Haspolat, Lefkosa, North Cyprus Faculty member . Faculty of Engineering; Department of Civil Engineering
  • From Sept. 2000 – Aug.2003: Eastern Mediterranean University, EMU, Gazimagusa, North Cyprus. Faculty Member Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering
  • 1994-1998: Part time, Departments of Engineering Sciences and Civil Engineering, Middle East Technical University, METU, Ankara, Turkey
  • 1989-1992: Full time, Lecturer. Department of Architecture, Middle East Technical University, METU, Ankara, Turkey
  • From July 1998 - August 2000.: John Laing – Sir Owen Williams JV. British based leading international companies. Acted as a Senior Structural Engineer/ Seismic Engineer; 3511-TU International Bank Project
  • From July 1997-July 1998: Owen Williams International Limited. supervising some reinforced concrete highway bridges in the south-east of Turkey, Gaziantep-Şanliurfa Motorway / Birecik – Şanliurfa section, for the general directorate of highways, KGM, of Turkey
  • From April 1992- July 1997:Karabork Construction &Trading Company Ltd. Ankara, Turkey. Acted as consultant, designer, quantity surveyor, cost estimator, work programming and planning and in the preparation of tender documents and give advice to the client
Research Interests: 
  • Structural Analysis and design of reinforced
  • pre-stressed concrete and steel structures
  • Bridge Design
  • High Rise Buildings
  • Structural Dynamics
  • Earthquake Engineering
  • Earthquake Resistant Design
  • Seismic Retrofitting and Design of Structures
  • Strengthening and Repair of Structures
  • Pre-and Post Earthquakes
  • Finite Elements
  • Structural Optimization
  • Nonlinear Analysis
Curriculum Vitae: 


Member for
14 years 12 weeks