Effect of Using Visual Basic Language on Seventh Graders’ Temporary and Delayed Achievement and Their Motivation for Achievement in Mathematics Learning

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Rana Hamdallah Darweesh Abu Zarour
This study sought to identify the effect of using visual basic language on both temporary and delayed achievement of seventh grade students and motivation for their achievement in learning mathematics. To this end, the researcher investigated the effect of using a computer visual basic program, as a teaching method, on seventh graders’ achievement in mathematics. The researcher also examined the impact of the computer visual basic language, as a teaching technique on motivation for achievement in “Whole Numbers”, a unit in the seventh graders’ mathematics textbook, and their attitude towards learning mathematics. To test the study hypotheses and answer the questions of the study, the researcher administered a questionnaire to a random sample consisting of 140 seventh grade male and female students at government schools in Nablus District. The subjects were distributed among four sections in four different schools, two schools for boys and two schools for girls. Two sections, one for boys and one for girls, randomly chosen and both represented the two experimental sections. They were taught by using a computerized visual basic program as a teaching method. The subjects were 80 students of both sexes: 42 males and 38 females. The other two sections were a comparison group. They were taught by using traditional classroom instruction method. The comparison (control) group included 60 students of both sexes: 30 males and 30 females. The researcher prepared a prior knowledge test to check the equivalence of the two groups. Juries tested the reliability of the test.Its validity was calculated by using Gaudery Richardson equation (20) and its value was 0.89. The researcher prepared a scientific achievement test on the whole numbers. Its reliability was checked by a jury while its validity was calculated by using Test and R-Test. Using Pearson’s correlation coefficient to calculate it, its value was found to be 0.86. The motivation for achievement scale was developed to measure the students’ motivation for achievement.Equivalence of the two groups was checked by using One Way Analysis of Variance; its validity was calculated by using Crookback Alpha. Its value was 0.93. The prior test was adopted to be used in the seventh grade in mathematics discipline in the academic year 2003/2004 to check the equivalence of the two groups: experimental and comparison. Then, the temporary test was administered to the two study groups directly after completion of the study of the whole numbers, the second Unit in the mathematics textbook of the seventh grade, to find out the effect of using the computerized visual basic language program on students’ direct achievement. Two weeks after administration of the temporary test and in order to identify the effectiveness of using the visual basic language as a teaching method in students’ retention of some concepts pertinent to the whole numbers, the delayed test was administered to the students. It was the temporary test itself. To test the study hypotheses and analyze the results, the researcher used the One Way Analysis of Variance and the Two – Way Analysis of Variance (Correlation Design 2x2). Findings - There were no statistically significant differences at a =0.01 among the averages of seventh graders’ achievement which may be attributed to method of instruction. Computed F value was 23.076 whereas its Tabulated value was 6.63. That is, the first nil hypothesis was rejected and an alternative hypothesis was accepted. The difference was found to be in favor of the experimental group with whom the computerized program was used. - It was found that there were statistically significant differences at a=0.01 among the averages of the seventh graders’ scientific achievement which might be attributed to the sex variable. The Computed F value was 36.625 while its Tabulated value was 6.63. The nil hypotheses were rejected; an alternative hypothesis was accepted in favor of females’ averages. - There were statistically significant differences at a=0.01 in academic achievement in favor of the delayed test. Computed F value was bigger than its Tabulated value, meaning rejection of the third nil hypothesis and acceptance of the alternative nil hypothesis. - No statistically significant differences were found at a=0.01 among averages of the seventh graders’ academic achievement which might be attributed to interaction between method of instruction and sex. Computed F value was less than its Tabulated value: 4.910 against 6.63. - There were statistically significant differences between the averages of temporary motivation for achievement and the delayed achievement of the seventh graders due to method of instruction. The Computed F value in the temporary & delayed motivation for achievement was bigger than the Tabulated value (6.63). This means a rejection of the fifth nil hypotheses and an acceptance of the alternative hypothesis. The difference was in favor of the experimental group. - There were statistically significant differences at a=0.01 among the temporary and delayed motivation for seventh graders’ achievement due to sex. The Computed F value in the temporary and delayed motivation for achievement was bigger than its Tabulated value (6.63). This means a rejection of the sixth nil hypotheses and an acceptance of the alternative hypothesis. The difference was in favor of males in the motivation of both temporary and delayed achievement. - There were no statistically significant differences at a=0.01 in motivation for achievement of both the control and experimental groups. The Computed F value equaled its tabulated value. This means a rejection of the seventh nil hypotheses and an acceptance of the alternative nil hypothesis. - No statistically significant differences were found among the averages of motivation for temporary and delayed achievement of the seventh graders in mathematics due to the interaction between method of instruction and sex. The Computed F. Value was less than its Tabulated value (6.63). - In the light of these findings, the researcher recommends that mathematics teachers use computerized educational programs in teaching. The researcher also recommends that further research be conducted on effect of using computerized programs in teaching other scientific disciplines.She recommends also the establishment of a committee to plan and design computerized educational packages in all fields of knowledge such as education and science and not to depend on ready-made programs.She also recommends strengthening the relationship between mathematicians and computer engineers to develop computerized educational programs in mathematics due to their scarcity and lack of Comprehensiveness.