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User Profile

Basic Information

Full Name: 
Mohammad Najeeb Assad

Contact Information

Email addresses: 
[email protected]

Personal Information

About me: 

Short Curriculum Vitae

  • Doctorate in Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. Nat.): Technische Universitat Munchen (TUM). 1987
  • Master in Science (Applied Math.): Bagdad Univ Bagdad – Iraq 1979
  • Bachelor in Mathematical Science: Al- Mustanseriyeh Univ. Bagdad – Iraq 1977‎
Employment history: 
  • Lecturer at AL- Najah National University site Jan 1980 (Assi. Prof.)
  • Lecturer at AL- Quds Open Univ. (Part Time)‎
  • Visitor to ULM Univ Germany for three months 1990‎
Research Interests: 
  • Operation Researches Methods
  • Mathematical and Stochastic Models
  • Mathematical Programming, Dynamic and Linear Programming
  • Probabilistic Models and Stochastics Processes
  • Models applied in the fields of engineering and science ‎
Research Groups: 
  • Participate in the supervision of the Master Messages with Prof. Dr. H. Hilal, Dr. Loai Melhees, Dr. M. ‎Almasri, Dr. Osama Abathah, Dr. Ali Barakat, Dr. M. Omran‎
Curriculum Vitae: 


Member for
11 years 16 weeks