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Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Urban Agriculture asTool for City Planning-Nablus City as a Case Study Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 10:34
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Agricultural Planning as a Base for Regional Planning in Nablus District Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 10:37
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Possibilities for Future Development and Planning in Jericho Distric Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 12:19
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Trends of Urban Development in Tubas City: Study in the Morphology of the City Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 12:22
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Urban Development Trends of Asira Shamaliya Town in Terms of the Regional Relation with the Surrounding Settlements Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 12:23
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Sustainable Development Strategies of Agricultural Land in the West Bank: Tubas Governorate as a Case Study Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 12:34
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Urban Development Trends of the Eastern District of Nablus Region Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 12:35
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Development of Land Use Patterns in Jenin City Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 12:47
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Urban Development Trends of Local Centers in the Northern Part of the West Bank- Case Study of Azzon Town (Qalqilya Region) Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 12:57
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Land Uses in Basin of Tulkarm City and the Resulted Environmental Impacts Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 12:59
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Strategies of Future Urban Development in Al-Ezariya and Abu Deis Towns Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 13:00
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Study and Evaluation of Development Plans and Land Use Patterns in Dura Town Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 13:06
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Analysis and Evaluation of Land-use Patterns in the Town of Jericho Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 13:07
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Existing Situation and Trends of Physical Development in Selat Al-Haretheya Town, Jenin Governorate an Analytical Study Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 13:11
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision The Mechanism of Awareness Activation & Popular Participation in Constructional Planning at West Bank Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 13:14
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Directions of Urban Growth in Dura Region Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 13:30
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Trends of Physical Development in the Western Suburbs of Nablus and the Spatial Relationships Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 13:33
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Trends of Physical Development of Qabatiya Town in the Light its Spatial Relation with the Surrounding Settlments Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 13:37
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Trends of Regional Planning and Building Development for the Villages in the South West of Nablus Governorate Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 13:41
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Planning for Development of Al-Sha’arawieh Region in the Northern Part of Tulkarem Governorate Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 13:42
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Current Situation and Strategies for the Development of Local Administration in the Palestinian Territories Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-22 13:43
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Accessibility Measures to Public Services in Palestinian Cities: The Case of Nablus City Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-24 09:25
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Trends in Development Planning of Nablus City in the Light of the Proposed Strategy for the City Development Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-24 09:31
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Current Situation and Potentials for Sustainable Development of the Local Communities in Tubas Area Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-24 09:42
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Community Participation and its Role in the Development of the Local Community - Case Study of Neighborhood Committees in the City of Nablus Ali Shaban Hussein Abdelhamid 2014-04-24 09:46