Advanced molecular genetics (Master)

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Course Level: 
Course Code: 
Course Outline: 

• the Course is: Compulsory

• Course Credit Hours: 3

• Teaching Language: English

• Course Pre-requisition: 24101,24231

• COURSE TEXTBOOK: B Lewin, Genes IX. Jones & Bartlett, 2008. ISBN 9780763740634. Web site with supplemental materials,:

• REFERENCES: The following books may also prove useful General Texts: Strickberger, Genetics, 3rd edition, 1985  Goodenough, Genetics, 3rd edition, Saunders, 1984  Ayala and Kiger, Modern Genetics, 2nd edition, 1984; Zubay, Genetics, Benjamin/Cummings, 1987;  Anderson and Ganetsky, An Electronic Companion to Genetics, Cogito, 1997  *Hawley and Walker, Advanced Genetic Analysis: Finding Meaning in the Genome, Blackwell, 2003 Turner, P.C., Mclennan, A.G., Bates, A.D. and White, M.R.H. (1998). Instant Notes in Molecular Biology, Viva Books Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi.  Twynan, R.M. (2003). Advanced Molecular Biology. Viva books Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.  Kannan, N. (2003). Hand Book of Laboratory Culture Medias, Reagents, Stains and Buffers. Panima Publishing Co., New Delhi. • COURSE LOAD DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGE: Lectures 75 Homework Projects Others Lab. 25 Total 100

COURSE DESCRIPTION: An introduction to the principles of genetics, including topics from classical Mendelian concepts to the contemporary molecular biology of the gene. Three lecture hours and one three-hour laboratory per week. (3 credits)

COURSE OBJECTIVE: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to demonstrate the following competencies: (1) an understanding of the central theories and methodologies that define the field of genetics and its various subdisciplines (traditional, molecular, and population genetics) and the ability to use the vocabulary that embodies this knowledge; (2) an understanding that science is a continual process of investigation and interpretation and that scientific knowledge progresses via the support and rejection of competing hypotheses, collective decisions that are based on empirical evidence and logical interpretation using inductive and deductive reasoning; (3) the ability to develop a scientifically informed position on some of the bioethical and social issues related to the practice and application of genetics research; (4) and demonstration of enhanced critical inquiry skills through writing. Specifically, students should view writing as a tool to explore and express ideas, develop the ability to synthesize and critically evaluate information from multiple sources and viewpoints, and apply such information to the construction of an argument.

COURSE OUTCOMES - As a result of completing the course, the student will: 1) Know the terminology of microbial and eukaryotic molecular genetics, and be able to recognize and apply this terminology in written exams, class discussion sessions, and reading and writing assignments) 2) Know the fundamental concepts of molecular genetics and be able to describe and apply those concepts in written exams, class discussion sessions, and reading and writing assignments) 3) Know historical and contemporary approaches used to achieve our current understanding of molecular genetics and be able to describe and apply those approaches in written exams and class discussion sessions 4) Be aware of current gaps in our understanding of molecular genetics and be able to identify these gaps in written exams 5) Be able to read research articles and write manuscript reviews that are professional in style and content INSTRUCTION: The primary means of communicating information for this course is lectures. Given that lecture time is limited students are expected to supplement their understanding of the concepts covered in lecture by reading the associated chapters in the textbook. The textbook provides much more detailed information about topics covered, and students should keep up with assigned reading. Because of the large amount of material presented in this course, students will benefit tremendously by regularly reviewing lecture notes. If you are having trouble understanding course material, do not hesitate to ask for help from your instructor,. There is not much that can be done about a grade at the end of the semester so don’t wait to ask to for help.

COURSE CONTENT-CHAPTERS TO BE COVERED TENTATIVE SCHEDULE FOR LECTURES week LECTURE Lecture 1 What is Molecular Genetics? DNA as information and an overview of gene expression 2 DNA -- replication and segregation of chromosomes 3 Transcription , Regulation of transcription and 4 RNA Processing, translation, stability and localization 5 Protein and gene 6 Chromosomal Mutations: Changes in Structure First Hour Exam 25% 7 Chromosomal Mutations: Altered Chromosome Number 8 Genome organization: Genome structure and change 9 DNA Mutations 10 Epigenetic inheritance 11 Control of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes 12 Hour Exam 25% 13 Control of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes Molecular Genetics: PCR and DNA cloning 14 Molecular Genetics: Blotting and Probing,: Applications of Recombinant DNA Genetics: Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology 15 Final Exam Grade Distribution : Course work Check with X Mark if applicable Percent (%) First Exam. x 25 Second Exam. x 25 Midterm Final Exam. x 50 Quizzes Homework Projects Term paper Laboratory Work Others

COURSE CONTENT-CHAPTERS TO BE COVERED TENTATIVE SCHEDULE FOR LECTURES week LECTURE Lecture 1 What is Molecular Genetics? DNA as information and an overview of gene expression 2 DNA -- replication and segregation of chromosomes 3 Transcription , Regulation of transcription and 4 RNA Processing, translation, stability and localization 5 Protein and gene 6 Chromosomal Mutations: Changes in Structure First Hour Exam 25% 7 Chromosomal Mutations: Altered Chromosome Number 8 Genome organization: Genome structure and change 9 DNA Mutations 10 Epigenetic inheritance 11 Control of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes 12 Hour Exam 25% 13 Control of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes Molecular Genetics: PCR and DNA cloning 14 Molecular Genetics: Blotting and Probing,: Applications of Recombinant DNA Genetics: Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology 15 Final Exam Grade Distribution : Course work Check with X Mark if applicable Percent (%) First Exam. x 25 Second Exam. x 25 Midterm Final Exam. x 50 Quizzes Homework Projects Term paper Laboratory Work Others