User Profile
Basic Information
Full Name:
Dr. Subhi Saleh
Short Curriculum Vitae
- Ph.D. Atomic Physics, University of Wisconsin, WI/Madison 1985
- M.Sc. Theoretical Physics, University of Jordan, Jordan 1978
- B.Sc. Physics, University of Jordan, Jordan 1972
Employment history:
- Currently: Associate Professor of Physics, An-Najah National University
- 1990-2001: Associate Prof. of Physics, An Najah National University
- 2001-2002: Dean of Faculty of Science
- 1989-1990: Research Associate, Wisconsin University, Madison, U.S.A.
- 1985-1989: Assistant professor of Physics, An-Najah National University
- 1980-1985: On scholarship to U.S.A. to get Ph.D. in Physics
- 1978-1980: Lecturer at Physics Department! An-Najah National University
- 1972-1978: High school physics teacher, Ministry of Education,Amman, Jordan
- Member for
- 11 years 20 weeks