Growth and development through life span

shurouq qadous's picture
Course Level: 
Second Year
Course Code: 
Course Outline: 

 Course Credit Hours: 2/ Theory
 Prerequisite: 0
 Course Category: Department Requirement
 Course Level: 2nd year nursing students

Name: Najwa Subuh
Phone: 0599965642

Revised By: (18/1/2014) + (10/8/2014) + (16/8/2015)
Name: Shorooq Qadous RN, MSN
Phone: 0598170233

Name: Omar Almahmoud RN, MSN
Phone: 0597309866

Textbook:-Shannon E. , et al (2014). Maternal Child Nursing Care (5th ed.).Mosby company 

-Pillitteri A. (2009). Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family (6th ed.). Lippincott.

References :1.Johnston P., Flood, k. & Spinks k. (2004). The Newborn Child 9th. Ed. Churchill Livingstone, London
2.Whaley L. & Wong, D. (2003). Essentials of pediatric Nursing 5th. Ed. C.V Mosby st. Louis
3.Whaley and Wong (2007). 7th edition. Nursing care of infants and children. St. Louis. Mosby company
4.Fraser, D.M & Cooper, M.A. (2008). 14th edition. Myles Textbook for Midwives. Churchill Livingstone, London 

Course Description:This course provides students with the basic knowledge about human growth and development, which enable them to understand and assess the normal process of human growth and development throughout the life cycle, as well as normal problems and needs during different stages of human life

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, the students will be able to: 

1.Describe essential facts related to growth and development.
2.Outline the normal phases of human growth through out the life span.
3.Understand developmental theories related to growth and development.
4.Describe the physical, cognitive, psychological and moral changes that take place during different stages (from prenatal to old ages).
5.Identify the major biological, psychosocial, cognitive, spiritual and adaptive development during stages of development from infancy to older age.
6.Discuss the role of the peer group in the socialization of the early childhood, school age, and adolescent.
7.Outline a health teaching plan for preschool, school age, adolescent, and adult.
8.Identify health promotion topics, causes and preventive aspects of injuries and accidents from young adult hood throughout old

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

A - Knowledge and Understanding
a.1. Acquire knowledge and understanding essential principles related to growth and development
a.2. List importance of studying growth and development
a.3. Identify the normal phases of human growth throughout the life span. a.4. Understand developmental theories related to growth and development. a.5. Compare between normal and abnormal growth and development
a.6. Evaluate changes that occur in different body parts at different stages of development
a.7. Calculate normal growth for every stage of growth and development

B- Intellectual Skills
b.1. Assess normal growth and development in different stages of life.
b.2. Carry out nursing care plan for abnormal growth and development.
c.3. Search for different topics among updated articles in periodic and internet
c.4. Solving problems related to social culture diversity which interrelates to health status of children abilities in care of children.
c.5. Discuss knowledge and prevention strategies according to developmental characteristics of the child such as accidents, nutrition, and safety measures.
C- Professional and Practical Skills
c.1. Act as a role model in dealing with children at different stages of growth and development.
c.2. Chang negative behaviors, knowledge and practices of parents in relation to ensuring healthy growth and development of their children.

D - General and Transferable Skills
d.1. Respect professions and their colleges when dealing with them
d.2. Act as a role model when dealing with mothers and children
d.3. Behave as a professional person in theoretical lectures and clinical areas
d.4. Independently learning
d.5. Work in a team
d.6. Appreciate team working seminars

Teaching Resources:

§  White board

§  Video

§  Computer (Power Point)

§  Moodle

Assignment Criteria


Percent (%)

§  First exam


§  Second exam          


§  Moodle Assignment


§  Final exam





- Introduction
- Overview of growth and development.
- Principles of growth and development.
- Factors that affected growth and development.
Theories of growth and development:
- Psychoanalytic theory: - Freud's ideas.
- Psycho social theory: - Erikson’s ideas.
- Cognitive theory: - Piaget's ideas.
- Behavioral (Moral) theory: - Kohlberg's ideas.
How to evaluate growth and development.
- Measurement techniques: - Weight. - Height. - Head circumference. - Chest circumference.
- Use the growth chart to assess the growth.
- Diagnostic test use for assess the development as- - DDST.

Newborn stage
-The new born 1st minutes - Appearance - Apgar score - Critical period
- New born 24 hours.
- Milestone of growth and development.
 Reflexes during one month.
 Senses development.
 Nutrition of newborn’s.
 Complication of new born.
 Caring of new born.

Infancy period: 1st month -1st year

- Physical growth.
- Cognitive development
- Psychosocial development
- Health care needs of infancy
- Problems of infancy
- Communication and language development
Toddler stage:
1. Biophysical development of the toddler and the preschooler
2. Psychosocial development of the toddler and preschooler:
2.1 Separation-individuation during the toddler and preschool years
2.2 Development of self-control
2.3 Psychosocial deprivation during the toddler and preschool years
3. Cognitive development
4. Language development during early childhood
5. Developmental concepts of play
6. Developmental concepts of a sexuality
7. Development of self discipline
7.1 Development of conscience
7.2 Moral development
7.3 Influences affecting the conscience and moral development

Preschooler Stage:
1. Biophysical development of the toddler and the preschooler
2. Psychosocial development of the toddler and preschooler:
2.1 Separation-individuation during the toddler and preschool years
2.2 Development of self-control
2.3 Psychosocial deprivation during the toddler and preschool years
3. Cognitive development
4. Language development during early childhood
5. Developmental concepts of play
6. Developmental concepts of a sexuality
7. Development of self-discipline
7.1 Development of conscience
7.2 Moral development
7.3 Influences affecting the conscience and moral development

School – age Stage :
1. Biophysical development of the school-age and the prepubescent
2. Psychosocial development during the school-age years
2.1 Perspective on psychosocial development
2.2 Widening the social environment
2.3 Developing a positive self-image
3. Cognitive development

Adolescence Stage :
 Health promotion / Adolescent maturation Scope of maturation during adolescence period.
 Theories related to adolescent growth and development and gender role
 Identity role of adolescent and role confusion
o Maturation problem and secondary sex characteristic
 Impact of environmental factors on adolescent maturation
 Impact of adolescent health on adolescent identity such as:
o Acne
o Obesity
o Precocious puberty
o Delay puberty
o Menstrual problems
 Risk taking behavior in adolescence related to maturational alteration:
o Substance abuse
o Adolescent violence
o emotional problems
o School achievement problems
o Eating problem
o Nursing role
 Health promotion :
o adolescent nutrition
o Adolescent nutritional needs and calories requirements according to rapid physical growth
o Impact of nutrition on adolescent growth and development
o Impact of adolescent life style on nutritional requirements
 Factors influencing adolescent nutritional needs:
o Physical factors
o Emotional factors
o Cultural and social factors
o Economic factors
 Adolescent nutritional problems such as:
o Obesity
o Bulimia
o Anorexia nervosa
o Anemia

Adulthood Stage :
o Biophysical and cognitive and psychical development in adulthood
o Retirement

Final Exam