Conferencesort icon Research Title Date
المؤتمر الثاني لتخطيط وتطوير التعليم والبحث العلمي في الدول العربية، جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن التخطيط الإستراتيجي للتعليم العالي في فلسطين: الإطار العام، وجامعة النجاح الوطنية كأنموذج Mon, 2007-12-24
Urban Planning and Development for Ramallah/Al-Bireh Area Workshop Proceedings, Ministry of Planningand International Co-operation, July 1995 Transportation Planning for Ramallah/Al-Bireh Area: Needsand Directions for Future Planning Sat, 1995-07-01
Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2006 Paper #06-1416 Current Data and Conditions and Future Priorities of Palestinian Freight Transport Sun, 2006-01-22
Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, At Washington, DC, USA Development and Evaluation of Traffic Systems Management Course for Sustainable Built Environment in Developing Countries Sun, 2013-12-01
Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, USA, 2006 Current Dataand Conditions and Future Priorities of the Palestinian Freight Transport Thu, 2005-12-01
Transportation Research Board 85 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC The Framework for the Development of a Medium-Term Transportation Program for an Economy in Transition: The Palestinian Case Sun, 2006-01-01
The United Nations General Assembly, Submitted through The United Nations Center for Human Settlements (Habitat) and The Center for Engineering and Planning, Ramallah, Document No.A/44/534, NewYork, 1989 Future Transportation Infrastructure Need for the Palestinian People in the West Bank and Gaza Strip Thu, 1988-12-01
The United Nations Conferenceon Tradeand Development, Geneva,1994 Public Utilities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip Thu, 1994-12-01
The TRB 85th Annual Meeting, At Washington DC Diagnosis of Existing Transportation Systems in Palestine under the Current Political Conditions Sat, 2005-01-01
The Seminar: Water Problem in the Middle East. Middle East Studies Centre, Amman Water Problem in Palestine Part II: Water Problem, its Features, Dimensions and Solutions Sun, 1995-01-01
The Seminar: Water Problem in the Middle East. Middle East Studies Centre, Amman Water Problem in Palestine Part I: Palestinian Water Resources Sun, 1995-01-01
The Proceedings of The Modernization of Engineering Works Conference, University of Aleppo, Syria, 1996,pp.755-770 Traffic Systems Management for Urban Areasin Developing Countries: Case Study:Ramallah /Al-Bireh, Palestine Fri, 1995-12-01
The Proceedings of The Jordanian Conferenceon Traffic and Environment, University of Jordan,1997 Traffic System Management: An Appropriate Approachto Solve Traffic Problemsin Medium-Sized Urban Areas Wed, 1997-01-01
The Jordanian International Traffic Safety Conference, At Amman, Jordan The Palestinian Traffic Safety Program – Needs Assessment And Proposal For Development Tue, 2008-04-01
The International Conference on Society and Information Technologies: ICSIT 2010, Orlando, FL Developing A Pilot Multimedia Tool For Transportation Engineering Education Mon, 2010-01-18
The First Palestinian Urban Forum, At An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine Planning Challenges and Needs in the Urban Road and Transportation Sector Sat, 2012-12-01
The Fifth National GIS Symposium in Saudi Arabia, At Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia Assessing the Impacts of the Segregation Wall on the Palestinians using Geographic Information Systems Tue, 2009-12-01
The Fifth Conference on Traffic Safety, The Traffic Institute, Amman The Palestinian Traffic Safety Program – Needs Assessment and Proposal for Development Tue, 2008-01-01
The Developmental Challenges Facing the Local Government in Palestine Conference, At An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine The National Perspective of Urban Planning Thu, 2011-12-01
The 3rd Palestinian Conference for Human Resources Development, At Palestine Ahliya University, Bethlehem Human Resources Strategic Planning at Palestinian Universities Sat, 2012-12-01
the 10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul Accident Analysis for Economies in Transition using Spatial Analytical Tools: The Palestinian Territories Case Thu, 2004-07-01
Reconstructionin Palestine:Issues, Options, Policiesand Strategies, Zahlan,A. (ed.), Arab Unity Study Center, Beirut, Lebanon,1997-in Arabic Transportation Planningin Palestine Wed, 1997-01-01
Proceedings of the Revitalization of the Old City of Jerusalem(Al-Quds) Seminar, Jerusalem (Al-Quds),The Welfare Association,1999 Transportation in the Old City of Jerusalem (Al-Quds) Fri, 1999-01-01
Proceedings of the Jordanian Conference on Civil Engineering, Vol.III,The University of Jordan, June 1992, Vol. III, pp. 787-808 The Adaptation of Appropriate Transportation Planning Methodologies for Developing Countries Mon, 1992-06-01
Proceedings of the First Palestinian Conferencein Civil Engineering, An-Najah National University, Nablus,1993, pp.280-305 Road Safety in the West Bank Wed, 1992-12-02