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User Profile

Basic Information

Full Name: 
Rami Zagha
Sun, 1970-03-15
Martial Status: 

Contact Information

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Email addresses: 
[email protected]
Email addresses: 
[email protected]
Office Phone: 
+970 9 2345113 Ext (2101)
College of Medicine and Health Sciences

Personal Information

About me: 

Short Curriculum Vitae

  • - B.S (General Medicine and Surgery), Damascus University, Syria,1997.
  • - High specialization in Medicine (in Pathology), Jordan University, 2005.
  • - Palestinian Board in Pathology,2005.
Employment history: 
  • Current : Assistant professor of pathology,College of Medicine and Health sciences, An-Najah National University.
  • 2008-2013: Director of pathology & forensic science laboratories at An-Najah National University.
  • 2008-2013: Dean Assistant for basic medical sciences,College of Medicine and Health Sciences at An-Najah National University.
  • 2012-2014: Head of Pathology Department, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, An-Najah University.
  • 2013: Director of Medical Laboratories, An-Najah National University Hospital
  • 2005-Now: The head of Pathology Department, Medicare laboratories , Ramallah &Nablus.
  • 2006-2008: The head of Pathology laboratories at Beit Jala hospital.
  • 2006-2007: The head of Pathology Department , Faculty of Medicine , Al-Quds University.
  • 2005-2007: Assistant professor in Al-Quds University, Faculty of Medicine – Department of Pathology
  • 2001-2005: Residencey program in pathology/ Jordan University Hospital-Amman-Jordan
  • 2000-2001: Research and education assistant in Al-Quds University (Department of Pathology)
  • 1998-2000: Resident doctor in different Palestinian local hospitals in different fields of medicine.
Research Interests: 
  • - The relation between environmental carcinogens and the development of cancers
  • - Follow up of patients with cancers of different types.
  • - Molecular study of cancers.
Research Groups: 
  • - Dr. Ahmad Darwazeh, Cardiac Surgeon, Palestine Medical Complex, Ramallah-Palestine
  • - Research groups at the Faculty of Medicine and health sciences, An-Najah National University.
Curriculum Vitae: 


Member for
13 years 22 weeks