Decisions Analysis

nidal_n's picture
Course Code: 
Course Outline: 

Course Description:

This course is an introductory course in Decision Analysis(DA). It is intended to provide basic knowledge of the main elements involved in decision making, decision making under certainty , risk and uncertainty, decision trees and value of information, Bayesian approach, game theory and other relevant topics as time permits.

Course Objectives:

Students who successfully finish this course are expected to:

  1. Recognize the different types of decision making situations.
  2. Be able to apply a structured approach to making professional and managerial decisions.
  3. Appreciate and evaluate the importance of information and modeling in decision making. 


Course Outlines:

  • Elements of decision problems.
  • Decision making under certainty.
  • Decision making under risk.
  • Decision making under uncertainty.
  • Decision trees.
  • Bayesian approach.
  • Value of Information.
  • Game theory.
  • Other related topic as time permits.


Required Textbook and readings:

  1. Goodwin, P. and G. Wright, “Decision Analysis for Management Judgment”, 3rd Edition. Wiley, 2004.
  2. Supplemental readings: some additional reading material will be distributed in the class.


 Other References:

Charles W. L. Hill, and Gareth R. Jones, “The Essentials of Strategic Management” , First Edition published by Houghton Mifflin, 2007.


Classroom Policy:

  • Turn off your cell phone before you get inside the class room.
  • Be on time and respect deadlines; late homework will not be accepted!  
  • Participate: be ready and prepare well, that is the key to success!
  • Avoid absence….Class attendance is a must.
  • Avoid Make-up/incomplete exams!


Grading and Exams Policy:

First Exam                                                              20%                  

Second Exam                                                         20%                  

Homework, quizzes and participation              10%

Final Exam                                                             50%                  


Office Hours and class times: See the time table.