Human Resources Management

Nader Qaryuti's picture
Course Code: 
Course Outline: 

        Syllabus:  Human Resource Management 



Human Resource Management 




Nader AL-Qqarioti




Business Administration




Economics and Administrative Sciences







Course Code:








Office Phone:




Principles of Management(2)  51122




Three (3)




Credit Hours

2nd Semester




The purpose of this course is to help students acquire the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with human resource management so they are actually prepared to perform the essential functions that human resource professionals are expected to perform. There is a dual focus in this course. The first focus is on the various human resource  policies as recruitment, selection, performance management, rewards, staffing and development. Students will get insight into the basic challenges, strategic approaches and tools within these fields. The second focus covers the more holistic view on HRM. We go deeper into the relation and fit between HRM and the strategy, culture and capabilities of an organization and the balance between organizational goals and individual





  • Lloyd L. Byars & Leslie W. Rue . (2010). “Human Resource Management”. (10th Ed). McGraw Hill Book Company




Primary Text Book:

  1. De Cenzo, David; and Robbins, Stephen.  (2007).  Fundamentals of Human  Resource Management, 9th Edition.  John wiely
  2. Gomez-Mejia, L.R., Balkin, D, and Cardy, R.L. (2007). Managing Human Resources (5th Edition). Prentice Hall.
  3. Cynthia  D.  Fisher,  Lyle  F.  Schoenfeldt,  and  James  B.  Shaw,  Human  Resource  Management,  6th  Edition,  Boston:  Houghton  Mifflin,  2006.  ISBN:  0‐618‐527869.

4- Raymond A. Noe, John R. Hollenbeck, Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 3/e2009Irwin-McGraw Hill







At the end of this course students will be able to:

  • Too, develop a critical understanding of the principles of human resource management
  • Understand how managers can be effective and efficient in their role in HRM
  • Understand the basic principles and added value of HR policies and HR information systems
  • Understand how HRM is related to the organizational context
  • Develop a vision on the future of HRM








Exam 1


Exam 2


Class Participation


Comprehensive Final Exam

100 %






In class exercises: If you are absent on an in-class exercise, quiz day (or are late and miss it), you will receive a zero for that exercise or quiz. There will be no make-ups for missed in-class activities.




Penalty (if any) for late or missed work


Proposed Lecture Schedule

Week No.     



Week 1

Day 1:   Introduction of the Course and Requirements

Day 2:   Introduction to HRM(Definitions, components & concepts)            

Day 3:    HRM Functions (Department 

Week 2

Day 4:   Challenges for HR Managers

Day 5:   HR Future & HR Programs

Day 6:   Equal Employment & Legal Environment

Week 3

Day 7:    Equal Employment & Legal Environment

                    (Some Employment & Labor Laws)

Day 8:   Implementing Equal Employment Opportunity

Day 9:   Labor Laws & Practices in Pakistan

Week 4

Day 10: Job Analysis & Design

Day 11: Job specification & Job performance

Day 12:  Overview of Job Design

Week 5

Day 13:  HR planning ,

Day 14:  Demand of HR, Forecasting Techniques

Day 15:  HR Requirements & Availability

Week 6

Day 16:  HRIS

Day 17:  Recruitment Process 

Day 18:  Internal recruitment channels Vs External recruitment channels

Week 7

Day 19:  Recruitment Methods

Day 20:  Issues $ Challenges in Recruitment

Day 21:  Practical Examples & Case Studies 

Week 8

Day 22:  Selections, Overview & Basic Techniques

Day 23:  Selection Process

Day 24:  Revision for Mid

Week 9

Day 25:  Selection (Validation & Reliability)

Day 26:  Types of Selection Tests

Day 27:  HR Development Overview Past, Present & Future                

Week 10

Day 28:  Orientation Overview & Importance

Day 29:  Employee Training & Executive Training

Day 30:  Popular Training Methods

Week 11

Day 31:  Management development Process

Day 32:  Management development Techniques

Day 33:  Practical Examples & Cases

Week 12

Day 34:  Career Development Overview

Day 35:  Implementing Career Development Programs

Day 36:  Issues & trends in Career Development

Week 13

Day 37:  Performance Appraisal & Performance Management systems

Day 38:  Methods & Techniques

Day 39:  Problems & Performance Appraisal Programs

Week 14

Day 40:  Case Study Presentation

Day 41:  Case Study Presentation

Day 42:  Case Study Presentation

Week 15

Day 43:   Case Study Presentation

Day 44:   Case Study Presentation

Day 45:   Review