construction management20112012

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Course Code: 
Course Outline: 

Course Description

                This course is designed to prepare students to handle the practical and managerial tasks the engineer is exposed to in the real life. It covers the main concepts in the following field of planning, scheduling, organizing and controlling safety and quality control.This course covers a construction project schedule as a network of activities. An understanding of the logic diagram; network analysis through forward pass, backward pass, critical path and float; and updating, evaluation and use of schedule in cost crashing and resource leveling are explained. Application software systems are utilized


Course Objectives

The course is part of the core course requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. The course will provide the students with a thorough understanding of the issues related to the application of planning and scheduling principles in the construction industry. It is intended to provide an in depth discussion of some of the important scheduling issues faced by various agencies involved in the construction industry. The principal objectives of the course are to:

i)             Provide an overview of the construction project planning and scheduling process

ii)            Introduce various construction project scheduling techniques

  1. Develop an understanding of time management, cost management, and resource management principles
  2. Highlight issues related to schedule monitoring, schedule updating, and schedule compression
  3. Provide an overview of advanced concepts of construction planning and scheduling


Course Outcomes

At the conclusion of the course students should be able to:

  1. Describe construction projects and processes using bar charts, network diagrams, and

linear schedules

ii)       Perform schedule computations to calculate project duration, activity early and late dates, and total and free floats

iii)     Identify the critical path(s)

iv)     Update and monitor project progress

v)      Recommend an appropriate course of action when the schedule must be shortened or crashed

vi)     Evaluate construction project progress

  1. Compare and contrast the appropriateness of scheduling tools for varying construction operations and conditions.


Course Topics

The course will focus on the following broad topics. These topics will be covered with the help of lectures, assigned readings, and scheduling project.

1)    Introduction of construction project planning and scheduling

2)    Construction scheduling techniques

3)     Preparation and usage of bar charts

4)     Preparation and usage of the Critical Path Method (CPM)

5)      Preparation and usage of Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)

6)    Issues relating to determination of activity duration

7)    Contractual provisions relating to project schedules

8)    Resource leveling and constraining

9)    Time cost tradeoff

10)  Schedule monitoring and updating

11)  Management function.

12)  Communicating schedule

13)  Cost Control

14)  Safety and Quality control.



Hinze, Jimmie (2006) Construction Planning and Scheduling. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey

The instructor will provide class notes, handouts, technical papers, laboratory manual and other reading materials for the course



  • Barrie, D.S. and Paulson, B.C., 1994, “Professional Construction Management”, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc. N.Y
  • Clough, R.H. and Sears, G.A., 1991 “Construction Project Management”, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. N.Y.
  • Smith, Currie & Hancock (2005) Common Sense Construction Law. 3 rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken , New Jersey .
  • Fisher, Roger and Ury, William (1991) Getting to Yes . 2nd Edition, Penguin Books, New York
  • Callahan, M.T., Quackenbush, D.G. and Rowings, J.E., 1992, “Construction Project Scheduling”, Irwin McGraw-Hill, Inc. N.Y1.      Ahuja, Dozzi, and AbouRizk (1994) Project Management: Techniques in Planning and Controlling Construction Projects, John Wiley.
  •      Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK™), The Project Management Institute Standards Committee.
  •  Harris R.B., 1978, “Precedence and Arrow Networking Techniques for Construction”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. N.Y.
  • Project Management, The Managerial Process, Clifford F. Gray and Erick W. Larson, McGraw-Hill Co., 2000, ISBN: 0-07-365812-X.
  • Oberlender, G. D., Project Management for Engineering and Construction, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Co., 2000.


                                                                النظم الإدارية للهندسة النسبية                         د.محمد جحمجوم         

                                                                إدارة المشاريع الهندسية                                د., محمد جاد الله         


Student Oral Presentations

Each student will present a 5-10-minutes oral formal talk on an assigned topic. Students are expected to research the assigned topic to present material that supplements the text.  Students are expected to present a professional quality PowerPoint briefing, and distribute copies of the presentation slides to the class before the presentation.


One copy of the report should be submitted not later than the end of twelfth weekof the semester.


Grading systems:


Report Assignments and Quizzes                     15%

Mid-term Exams 2 No.                                       20%  each

Final Exam                                                           45%

Total                                                                      100