Network Programming (2011,2012)

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Course Code: 
Course Outline: 

Network Programming (131474)

Course Objectives:

This is an elective course related to Computer Science Department of IT faculty. It aims to give the students detailed information about how to build Software products on the level of network application layer. These products use either the UDP or TCP services of the network transport layer. Java programming language was used to implement such products. Already built application layer software (HTTP) is discussed in this course.



  1. Networking Review:

·   What is network?

·   Network topologies

·   Network Layers and their advantages.

·   Internet Protocol (IP)


  1. Java Data Streaming

·   I/O streaming

·   Readers and Writers.


  1. Network Addressing

·   LAN Addresses

·   Internet Protocol Addresses

·   Internet Addressing with Java


  1. User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

·   DatagramPacket Class

·   DatagramSocket Class

·   Building UDP Client/Server

.   Broadcasting & Multicasting     


  1. Transmission Control Protocol

·    TCP Sockets and Java

·    Socket Class

·    Creating TCP Client

·    Server Socket Class

·    Creating TCP Server


  1. Multithreaded Applications

·    Multi-threading in Java

·    Synchronization

·    Interthread Communication

·    Thread Priorities



  1. HyperText Transfer Protocols (HTTP)

·    HTTP and Java


Grade Distribution:

·   First Exam:                        20%

·   Second Exam:                   20%

·   Assignment && Project:    20%

·   Final Exam:                       40%