Principles of Marketing

Marouf Dwaikat's picture
Course Code: 
Course Outline: 

An-NajahNational University

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Principles of Marketing (57121)

Course Outline

Faculty members of marketing department


Required Textbook: Principles of Marketing.              Thirteenth Edition (2010)

Authors: Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong


Course Description:

This course is an analysis of the elements of the marketing mix: product, price, promotion and distribution. The course aims at providing students with economic and marketing analytical skills of marketing environmental elements, to make appropriate decisions, and marketing skills of non profit service, material distribution and customer services.



The goal of every marketer is to create more value for customers. So it make sense that the goal of this course. This course will introduce you to the fascinating world of modern marketing. Todays "Marketing is all about creating customer value and building profitable customer relationships. It startswith understanding customer needs and wants, deciding which target markets the organization can serve best, and developing a compelling value proposition by which the organization can attract, keep and grow targeted   consumers.


Course Themes:

This course is build on the following five major value themes:

  1. creating value for customers in order to capture value from customers in  return.
  2. Building and managing strong, value – creating brands
  3. Measuring and managing returns on marketing
  4. Harnessing new marketing technologies
  5. sustainable marketing around the globe (social Responsibility & Ethics )

The course will achieve the following objectives:

1.  Describe the concepts and purpose of marketing with emphasis on the marketing concept, a marketing philosophy, and customer service; show the importance of marketing as a field of study.

2.  Analyze the impact of marketing on society; describe the role of ethics

in marketing.

3.  Explore the cultural, economic, political and legal, and technological environments facing marketers.

4.  Explain the basic concepts of consumer analysis; present examples of consumer demographic profiles; define and describe consumer life-styles and their characteristics, examine selected life-styles, and present marketing implications of life-style analysis.

5.  Describe the process of planning a target market strategy; examine alternative demand patterns and segmentation bases for both final and organizational consumers; explain and contrast undifferentiated marketing, concentrated marketing, and differentiated marketing; pinpoint the requirements for successful segmentation; show the importance of positioning in developing a marketing strategy.

6.  Examine the various types of products, product mixes, and product management organization forms from which a firm may select; study the different types of product life cycles.

7.  Examine the scope of goods and services, and explain how goods and services may be categorized. 

8.  Define distribution planning and examine its importance, distribution functions, the factors used in selecting a distribution channel, and the different types of distribution channels.

9.  Describe the general characteristics of advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion; examine the components of a promotion plan:  objectives, budgeting, and the promotion mix.

10.  Define the terms “price” and “price planning”; demonstrate the importance of price and study its relationship with other marketing variables.

11.  Present the overall process for developing and applying a pricing strategy.

Conduct of the course:

This course will be taught by lectures, student discussions.

Lectures, Textbook, assignments, exams, and all others audio visual aids and materials will be in English language.

*     You must complete all the reading assignments. You are required to read all chapters detailed in the course outlines.

  • You are expected to complete all assigned  housework if any, and on time
  • You are to actively participate in class discussion.
  • Attendance will be subject to the University policy regarding attendance.
  • Exams:  Different kinds of questions will be used in exams like: True/ Fails , multiple choice, filling, matching, discussion questions (essay type questions)  


Assignments / Quizzes if any       5%

First Hour Exam                        15%

Second Hour Exam                    15%

Third Hour Exam                       15%

Participation in class discussion   5%

Final Exam                                 45%

Note:If no assignments or Quizzes were given, the 5% will be distributed on the other elements.

Tentative Course Outline:

Part 1: Defining Marketing and the Marketing Process

Chapter 1:  Marketing: Creating and Capturing Customer Value................................................... 1                        ...........................................................................................................................................................            

Chapter 2:  Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships...... 46

Part 2: Understanding the Marketplace and Consumers

Chapter 3:  Analyzing the Marketing Environment....................................................................... 88

Chapter 4:  Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer Insights................................. 133

Chapter 5:  Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior.................................................. 177

Chapter 6:  Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior...................................................... 221

Part 3: Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy and Mix

Chapter 7:  Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers......... 263

Chapter 8:  Products, Services, and Brands: Building Customer Value..................................... 305

Chapter 9:  New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies.............................. 349

Chapter 10:  Pricing: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value........................................ 389

Chapter 11:  Pricing Strategies.................................................................................................... 426

Chapter 12:  Marketing Channels: Delivering Customer Value.................................................. 467

Chapter 13:  Retailing and Wholesaling...................................................................................... 508

Chapter 14:  Communicating Customer Value: Integrated Marketing

Communications Strategy............................................................................................................ 548

Chapter 15:  Advertising and Public Relations........................................................................... 592

Chapter 16:  Personal Selling and Sales Promotion..................................................................... 634

Chapter 17:  Direct and Online Marketing: Building Direct Customer Relationships................ 676

Part 4: Extending Marketing

Chapter 18:  Creating Competitive Advantage........................................................................... 718

Chapter 19:  The Global Marketplace.......................................................................................... 761

Chapter 20:  Sustainable Marketing: Social Responsibility and Ethics          806