Title Journal Title, Volume, Page Full Text Year of Publicationsort icon
Hemolysis of Human Red Blood Cells by Riboflavin-Cu(II) System Biochim Biophys Acta.; 1523(2-3):225-9. USA   2000
Hemolysis of Human Red Blood Cells by Combination ‎of Riboflavin and Aminophylline Life Sciences, 70, 2013-2022, USA   2002
Hemolysis of Human Red Blood Cells by Riboflavin-Cu(II) System: Enhancement by Azide Biochemistry (Mosc). 2005 Sep;70(9):1011-4   2005
Synthesis of a Novel β-lactamase Hydrolysis Resistant Penicillin Analog Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal ,v.13,No. 2-3,P. 83-88 Saudi Arabia   2005
The Effect of Riboflavin-Cu(II) System on Lipid Peroxidation of Human Red Blood Cells Arab Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2, 11-20. Damascus 2005
Photoilluminated Riboflavin/Riboflavin-Cu(II) Inactivates Trypsin: Cu(II) Tilts The Balance Indian J Biochem Biophys. Oct;43(5):312-8   2006
Photodynamic Inactivation of Trypsin by the Aminophylline-Riboflavin System: Involvement of Hydroxyl Radical Med Sci Monit.;12(8):BR283-9   2006
Sleep Habits and Sleep Problems Among Palestinian Students Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health. 2011; 5: 25   2011
Gender Differences in Sleep Habits and Sleep Related Problems in Arab Palestinian ‎University Students International Journal on Disability and Human Development   2012
Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome Among ‎Patients with Schizophrenia in Palestine BMC Psychiatry, 12:235   2012
Synthesis of Selective β-lactam Derivatives An - Najah Univ. J. Res. (N. Sc.) Vol. 27, 2013   2013
Diabetes Mellitus in Patients with Schizophrenia in West-Bank, Palestine Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Volume 99, Issue 3, March 2013, Pages 351–357   2013
Kinetic Studies on the Reaction between Dicyanocobinamide and Hypochlorous Acid. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 6;9(11):e110595. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0110595. eCollection 2014   2014
The Life Style Parameters of Schizophrenic Clients In Palestine European Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 10/2014; 2014(1):16-21   2014
Melatonin Prevents Myeloperoxidase Heme Destruction and the Generation of Free Iron Mediated by Self-Generated Hypochlorous Acid PLoS ONE 04/2015; 10(4):e0120737.   2015
Comparison of Anti-Oxidant Activities and Exhaustive Extraction Yields between Wild and Cultivated Cyclamen persicum, Malva sylvestris and Urtica pilulifera Leaves Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science Vol. 5 (04), pp. 101-106, April, 2015(5 (04)):101-106 · April 2015 2015
Morphological Perturbation of Human Erythrocytes Exposed to Photoilluminated Riboflavin An-Najah University Journal for Research - Natural Sciences - Volume 29, Issue 1, 2015 2015
Comparison of Anti-Oxidant Activities and Exhaustive Extraction Yields between Wild and Cultivated Cyclamen persicum, Malva sylvestris and Urtica pilulifera Leaves Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science Vol. 5 (04), pp. 101-106, April, 2015 2015
The Defensive Role of Cumulus Cells Against Reactive Oxygen Species Insult in Metaphase II Mouse Oocytes Reprod Sci. 2016 Apr;23(4):498-507. doi: 10.1177/1933719115607993. Epub 2015 Oct 14. 2015