Topics in Management Information Technology(132426)

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Course Code: 
Course Outline: 

AN-Najah N. University

Faculty of Information Technology.

Management information systems Department

Topics in Management Information Technology(132426)

Spring 2010

Instructor: Kamal Irshaid

 O.H: as posted at my office door.

Text :PHP and MYSQL Manual BY SIMON Stobart, 2004

Course Objective:

            This course intends to present to students various topics in information technologies with the emphasis on the advanced and up to date technology topics. These topics will help students in the management information system major to over come the programming issues by concentrating on advanced web programming and databases for the Internet uses. Students taking this course are required to be an introductory knowledge in the one of the web programming languages, preferably HTML and basic knowledge in data base design.


Topics to be covered:

  • Quick introduction to HTML tags (basic tags, hyper link, forms, tables) .
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Introduction to XML
  • XML and JavaScript
  • Programming in PHP (FORM processing, syntax, arrays, files, classes)
  • XML and  PHP
  • PHP and MYSQL database.
  • Creating tables using PHP and MYSQL code
  • Manipulating tables using PHP and MYSQL code (insert, update,  delete, select …etc)
  • Online updating for the database
  • Connecting web program with ODBC.


          First exam            20%

          Second exam       20%

          Project                 15% ****

          Final exam           45%

****Class project: students will be assigned at least three project in individual basis. Projects are of the students choice and

will be graded according to ideas and thoughts presented in the project. In the project you should utilize your creativity very professionally.

than the quantity.

الحضور والغياب

تؤكد سياسة الجامعة على التزام الطالب بحضور المحاضرات في بداية موعدها ومن اجل ذلك أضافت برنامج مراقبة الحضور والغياب إلى برنامج الزاجل وبطريقة الكترونية يتم فصل الطالب من المساق الذي يتجاوز عدد غيابا ته بدون عذر خطي موقع من الجهات الرسمية عن(6) ستة غيابات.

في حالة غياب مبرر على الطالب إحضار تقرير مكتوب ورسمي وتسليم نسخة منه لمدرس المساق في موعد لا يتجاوز اليوم الأول من الأسبوع الذي يلي الأسبوع الذي تغيب به الطالب.

 الطالب هو الذي يتحمل مسؤولية حرمانه من المساق في حال تجاهله لهذه القوانين.

Missing Exams:

University regulations state that NO MAKE UP EXAMS WILL BE MADE unless a student has a well documented excuse such as personal injuries or death of a first degree relative, OTHERWISE a student gets ZERO in the missed exam. In case of an accepted excuse, student must setup a makeup exam date which must be within at most one week from the original exam date.