Advanced Reproductive Physiology

hatem's picture
Course Code: 
Course Outline: 
Course Learning Objectives:
1.            Know the general anatomy & histology of the male and female 
               reproductive systems.
2.            Understand the endocrinology of the estrous cycle, pregnancy, 
               & lactation.
3.            Know the length of the estrous cycle, estrus, and gestation 
               in farm animals
4.            What are the functions of the cells of the ovary and testis.
5.            Understand the basics of oocyte and spermatozoa maturation.
6.            Understand how the gametes are transported through the male 
               and female reproductive systems.
7.            Know the steps involved in fertilization.
8.            Understand the basic events of embryo and fetal development.
8.            Understand the basics of maternal recognition of pregnancy, 
               implantation, & placentation.
9.            Understand the events of parturition.
10.          What are the events of courtship and mating in farm animals.
11.          What are the general causes and examples of reproductive failure 
               in farm animals.
12.          Understand the reproductive peculiarities and the reproductive 
               management of cattle, sheep, horses, swine, and poultry.
13.          Understand the basics of reproductive-assisted biotechnologies 
               including AI, estrus synchronization, superovulation, embryo 
               transfer, transgenics, IVF, sperm and embryo sexing, embryo 
               splitting, nuclear fusion, and reproductive immunization.