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User Profile

Basic Information

Full Name: 
Farid Abudheir
Mon, 1962-05-14
Martial Status: 

Contact Information

Economics and Administrative Sciences
Email addresses: 
[email protected]
Email addresses: 
[email protected]
Mobile Phone: 
Land Phone: 
Office Phone: 
+970 9 2345113 Ext (4474)
University Housing Association, Al-Ma'ajin

Personal Information

About me: 

Short Curriculum Vitae

  • 1996 Ph.D. in mass communications, University of Leeds, UK.
  • 1988 MSc. In mass communications, University of Wales, college of Cardiff, UK.
  • 1985 BA in political science and journalism, An-Najah National University.
Employment history: 
  • 1991-1992 Lecturer at the department of political science and journalism, An-Najah N. University.
  • 1996 – till present assistant professor at the department of printed & electronic journalism, An-Najah N. University.
  • 2001-2003 head of journalism department.
  • 2001 – 2003 Preparing and introducing the project of the establishment of An-Najah University’s radio and TV, and a member of implementing the project. (later known as the Media Centre).
  • 2001 – 2011 Director of the Population Communication project at An-Najah University, sponsored by the UNFPA. Within the project, I led the establishment of the TV production unit at the department of journalism at An-Najah University.
  • 2001 – 2003 Member of committee for the establishment of Sawt An-Najah radio station.
  • 2006 – 2010 A key member of the committee for the establishment of the Faculty of Media at An-Najah University.
  • 2011 – 2012 Member of Faculty of Media Council.
  • 2013 – until present Member of Printed & Electronic Journalism Department’s Council.
Research Interests: 
  • Palestinian media
  • Islamic media, and Islamic issues in media
  • New media, and social media
  • Audience research
  • Content analysis research
  • Research on freedom of expression and media ethics
Research Groups: 
  • 1999 I worked on a book entitled “Women’s health in the Palestinian press”, and was published by the Ministry of Health.
  • 2005 I worked with a number of colleagues in publishing a book entitled “Population communication”, which was published by An-Najah National University, and sponsored by UNFPA.
  • 2006 I contributed with a paper entitled "A reading in the National Unity Document: Winners and Losers", in the journal of "Dirasat Sharq Awsatia" (Middle Eastern Studies), issued by Middle East Center, Jordan.
  • 2014 I contributed with a chapter entitled “Media under the Palestinian National Authority”, is due to be published in a book entitled “The Palestinian National Authority: A Study on Experience and Performance: 1994-2013”, Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies & Consultations, Beirut.
Curriculum Vitae: 


Member for
14 years 12 weeks