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Knowledge and Attitudes of Plaestinain University Students Toward the Use of Sunscreens

Journal Title, Volume, Page: 
sian Journal of Pharmaceutical & Clinical Research; Vol. 5 Issue 3, p120
Year of Publication: 
Abdel Naser Zaid
Current Affiliation: 
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Rowa' Al Ramahi
Preferred Abstract (Original): 
This study aims to determine the prevalence of sunscreen use, attitude and perception of university students toward their use. A questionnaire was distributed in 2011. 250 students participated at this study. Total sunscreen users were 118 (47.2%). Females were much more frequent users of sunscreens than males, 101 out of the 132 (76.5%) females reported regular use of sunscreen while only 17 (14.4%) males did so (P< 0.001). The major factors that affected the students' choice of sunscreens were the advice from healthcare professionals in 57 (48.3%), and the type of skin in 36 (30.5%). Regarding the scientific knowledge about the sun protection factor (SPF) and considering its value in choosing the product, it was significantly higher in females. This study demonstrated that the use of sunscreens is common among females and very rare among males. The risk of sun exposure is largely unrecognized and we have very incomplete information about protective measures especially in males. An efficient policy of education on the effective and proper use of sunscreens should be implemented.
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