Ge–Se–In glasses

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Mean-Coordination Number Dependence of The Fragility In Ge–Se–In Glass-Forming Liquids

Journal Title, Volume, Page: 
Physica B: Condensed Matter, Volume:389, Issue:2, 15 February 2007, Pages: 275-280
Year of Publication: 
G. Saffarini
Laboratoire PBM, UMR 6522, LECAP, Institut des Matériaux de Rouen, Faculté des Sciences, Avenue de l’Université BP 12, 76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France
Current Affiliation: 
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, An-Najah National University, Palestine
A. Saiter
Laboratoire PBM, UMR 6522, LECAP, Institut des Mate´riaux de Rouen, Faculte´ des Sciences, Avenue de l’Universite´ BP 12, 76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France
M.R. Garda
Laboratoire PBM, UMR 6522, LECAP, Institut des Mate´riaux de Rouen, Faculte´ des Sciences, Avenue de l’Universite´ BP 12, 76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France
J.M. Saiter
Laboratoire PBM, UMR 6522, LECAP, Institut des Mate´riaux de Rouen, Faculte´ des Sciences, Avenue de l’Universite´ BP 12, 76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France
Preferred Abstract (Original): 

Differential scanning calorimetry measurements have been performed on elemental Se as well as on GexSe94−xIn6 (x=4, 8, and 11 at%) and on GeySe88−yIn12 (y=5, 7, and 9 at%) chalcogenide glasses. From the cooling rate dependence of the fictive temperature, the apparent activation energies, Δh*, and the fragility indices, m, as defined in the strong–fragile glass-forming liquid concept, are determined. It is found that, in Ge–Se–In system, there is an evolution from strong (m=67) to fragile (m=116) glass-forming liquids. The dependence of ‘m’ on the mean-coordination number, Z, is also obtained. This dependence is rationalized by assuming that, in this glassy alloy system, there is a tendency for the formation of In2Se3 clusters.

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