Electromgnetic radiation

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The Effect of the Electromagnetic Radiation from High Voltage Transformers on Students Health in Hebron District

Journal Title, Volume, Page: 
The Journal of Geology 3(1) · February 2015
Year of Publication: 
Iman Jbarah Al-Faqeeh
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Mohammed Abu-Jafar
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Issam Ashqer
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Current Affiliation: 
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Preferred Abstract (Original): 
This study aims to investigate the effect of exposing to extremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation from high voltage transformers (160 KVA and 250 KVA) on students. The sample of this study was 142 students including 69 males and 73 females, with ages (16-18 years) and (9-11 years). This research was carried out on five schools in Hebron District. Measurements were taken for student's tympanic temperature, blood oxygen saturation, heart pulse rate, and arterial blood pressure (diastolic and systolic). The results showed that the measured values of power flux density were within slight concern limit. The effect of EMR on students health were explained as follows, there was increasing in tympanic temperature, heart pulse rate, arterial blood pressure (systolic and diastolic), on the other hand the blood oxygen saturation was decreased.

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