
Hamdallah Bearat's picture

Quelques Expériences Sur La Fixation Du Phosphore Par Les Céramiques

Journal Title, Volume, Page: 
Revue d'Archéométrie, Year 1994, Volume 18, Issue 1 pp. 65-73, DOI : 10.3406/arsci.1994.916
Year of Publication: 
Bearat H.
Institut de Minéralogie et Pétrographie, Université de Fribourg, 1700-FRIBOURG, Suisse
Current Affiliation: 
Department of Materials Science, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, An-Najah National University, Nablus. Palestine
Dufournier Daniel
Laboratoire de Céramologie, CRAM., C.N.R.S., Université de Caen, 14032 CAEN Cedex, France
Preferred Abstract (Original): 

After treatment with milk, wine, urine and different phosphate solutions, all the studied ceramics have shown an important phosphorus uptake. The quantity of phosphorus fixed by ceramics depends on the interaction of ceramic characteristics (mineralogical nature, firing temperature, presence or not of calcite) with the pH and the phosphate concentration of burial or use media. The observed phosphorus uptake is best marked where clays are less fired, where they are calcareous, where the time of contact with the medium and its temperature increase. The optimal fixation occurs in slightly acidic medium, less acidic for the calcareous ceramics than for the non-calcareous ones.

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