Object Oriented Analysis and Design

baker's picture
Course Code: 
Course Outline: 

CIS department                                                      

   Faculty of IT

Instructor : Dr. Baker Abdalhaq


Course Objectives:

  • Student will be able to describe what is object oriented approach.
  • Student will be able to describe systems requirements.
  • Student will be able to analyze systems.
  • Student will be able to design systems in details.

Text Book : Object Oriented Analysis and Design understanding system development with UML 2.0

by Mike O’Docherty


-Introduction to Object Oriented concepts

- Gathering Requirements

- Analyzing the problem

- Designing the subsystem


We will use Hands on learning style. Student will develop his own project during the course.

Student has to go for the tutorials in the lab and do assignments.


Lab & assignments          10%

First & second                   30%

Project & participation   20%

Final                                       40%