Reality of Implementing Electronic Management in the Secondary Government Schools in the West Bank from the Principals' Perspective

alihabayeb's picture
Eman Hasan Moustafa Kaloof
Reality of Implementing Electronic Management in the Secondary Government Schools in the West Bank from the Principals' Perspective1.13 MB

This study aimed to identify the reality of implementing electronic management in the secondary government schools in the West Bank from the principals' Perspective(males and females), in addition the study aimed to test the effect of gender, managerial experience, academic qualification, area of specialization, geographic location, and location of the governarate, and the number of training courses in the area of e-management) on implementing electronic management. The population of the study consisted of all government secondary schools principals in the West Bank, they were (652) principals. The study sample consisted of (322) principals, which approximately (49.4%) of the study population. To achieve the goals of the study, the researcher prepared a questionnaire based on literature and related studies. The questionnaire was judged by panel of judges. The reliability coefficient was computed by Cronbach alpha formula, which was (0.92), The questionnaire was distributed to a stratified random sample. Data was analyzed by SPSS program. The study revealed the following results: First: the reality of the application of e-management in the secondary government schools in the West Bank from the Principals' Perspective is low. Second: There are statistically significant differences at (α = 0.05) in the reality of reality of the application of e-management in the secondary government schools in the West Bank from the principals' perspective, due to the gender, and in favor of males, due to educational qualification, and in favor of master degree holders and above, due geographic location, and in favor of the city, and due to number of training courses in the area of e-management, and in favor of who trained one course or more in the area of e-management. Third: There are no statistically significant differences at (α = 0.05) in reality of the application of e-management in the secondary government schools in the West Bank from the principals' perspective, due to managerial experience, area of specialization, and the location of the governarate. Accordingly to the findings of the study results, the researcher recommended a set of recommendations, including: 1.Accelerating the training of principals and teachers in private and public schools on the use of e-management in the school management and technical support. 2.The need for connecting schools to the Internet, to facilitate the exchange of information between schools and the directorate or the ministry of education, and working on establishing an internal networks at schools. Key words: E-management, management, Secondary Government Schools