User Profile
Short Curriculum Vitae
- 1988: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) - The Effect of Illustration on Text Comprehension - Reading Department - State University of New York at Albany. -
- 1981: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Management). - State University of New York at Fredonia.
- 1979: Master of Science in Education (Curriculum Instruction) - State University of New York at Fredonia
- 1975: Bachelor of Arts. ( Arabic Language Major and Education (Minor) - Jordan University. Amman
Employment history:
- 2009-present: Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs. An-Najah National University .
- 2006-2008: Dean, Faculty of Educational Sciences. An-Najah National University.
- 1999-2006: Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs. An-Najah National University .
- 1998 –1999: Director of Documentation Center An-Najah National University.
- 1995- 1998: Chairman of Elementary Education Department An-Najah National University
- 1994-1995: Assistant Professor An-Najah National University.
- 1992-1994: Dean of the Faculty of Educational Science. An-Najah National University
- 1988-1992: Assistant Professor, College of Education An-Najah National University .
- 1981-1985: Instructor An-Najah National University
- 1981: I worked as a part-time basis at the office of Community Development Foundation (CDF) at Jerusalem.
- 1975-1977: Instructor at An-Najah N. College.
Research Interests:
- Students Drop out in the North Part of the West Bank
- The Role of the Society in Inhancing Children Reading.
- The Reality of Palestinian Secondary Education
- Professional Efficiency for School Teachers
- The Reality of Palestinian Basic Education.
- The Role of Parents in Assisting Reading
- The Role of Education in Motivating Democracy
- The Role of Private and Government Sector in Training University Students
- Popular Education During the Intifada
- Give Them A Chance
- Teachers opinion about Inclusion . international journal of disability, development and education vol,48, no,2 , 2001
- Difficulties Facing Palestinian Education 2001
- The Reality and Future of Higher Education in Palestine 2002.
- Directory for Master Thesis at An-Najah National University 2002
- Teachers Attitude Towards Globalization . journal of alquds open university . no 13, 2008.
- The Effect of A-Aqsa Intifada on Some Problems Pertinent to Children’s
- Academic Accreditation at An-najah University. university of Bahrain college of education, april 2005.
- Teachers attitudes towards Homework assignment Scientific journal research. v(2) p.p 60-91 october 2008.
- Academic adjustment and its relationship with same variables .An-najah university journal for research v23 n3 pp 857-881.
- The status of schools environment in Nablus Governorate from teachers perspectives. Bethlehem university journal v27, 2008.
- Students teaching practice comparative study between UNRWA and university College Jordan university derasat 2014.
- Reading and Writing difficulties from the first grade teachers perspectives .Alazhar university journal v13 (1)p.p 1-34.
- University and high school students perceptions of nature of science. the international journal of science , mathematics. Vol 19, 2013
- Enhancing technology in teacher training program description and analysis of an-najah national university. Hebron university journal 2014.
Research Groups:
- Inclusive Education
- Quality Assurance /programs and institution evaluation
- Member for
- 11 years 16 weeks