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User Profile

Basic Information

Full Name: 
Dr. Ahmed Masri
Tue, 1984-07-10
Martial Status: 

Contact Information

Email addresses: 
[email protected]

Personal Information

About me: 
Ahmed Masri was born in Nablus (Palestine) on July 10, 1984. He obtained his B.Sc degree in computer engineering, from College of Engineering at An-Najah National University, with GPA 90.4% in May 2007. Then he graduated from the 2nd level specializing master "Wireless Systems and Related Technologies" from Politecnico di Torino with summa cum laude in Sep 2008.
During June 2008 - December 2008, he had an internship at Telecom Italia Labs-Torino, He worked as a researcher and software "Simulator" developer in the field of LTE-EUTRAN (Inter Cell Interference Coordination).
He started his Ph.D study in telecommunication engineering since January 2009, in the Politecnico di Torino under the supervision of Prof. Carla Fabiana Chiasserini. Moreover, he also joined the Telecommunication Networks Group (TNG) at the dipartimento di elettronica as a PhD student.
During March 2011 - October 2011, he was a visiting researcher at Aalto University in Finland.
He obtained his Ph.D degree in Telecommunication with thesis title "Design and Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Radio Networks" in Feb/2012. He served also as a Technical Program Committee member for ISWTA 2012 and IEEE PIMRC 2012, on i) PIMRC2012-Track 1: PHY and Fundamentals and ii) PIMRC2012-Track 2: MAC and Cross-Layer Design
Currently, he is working as an Assistant professor - Communication Engineering Department - An Najah National University

Honors and Awards:
 Erasmus+ one week visiting researcher grant 2018 to Pavia university, Italy
 Erasmus+ one week visiting researcher grant 2016 to ODTU university, Turkey
 Best paper presentation at IEEE ITA15 conference, UK
 Zamaleh visiting researcher grant 2014 to Macedonia university, Macedonia
 Palestinian ministry of higher education research fund (2014—2016)
 Full Politecnico di Torino PhD scholarship (2009—2012)
 TopMed 2nd level master scholarship (2007—2008)
 Honour’s college at An-Najah national university (2005—2007)

 Full Hani Qadomi B.Sc scholarship (2002—2007)

Current areas of interest:
1. Design and Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Radio Networks
2. Performance Evaluation of Ultra Wide Band Radio Technology
Former areas of interest:
Computer engineering and networks

Selected Publications:
1. Adnan Arar, Ahmed Masri, Iyad Tumar and Hidaya Ghannam, “A Proposed Scheme for Dynamic Threshold versus Noise Uncertainty in Cognitive Radio Networks (DTNU) ”, Springer, Journal of Wireless Personal Communication, Volume 96, Issue 3, pp 4543–4555, Springer 2017.
2. A. Masri, Y. A. S. Dama, N. Eya, R. A. Abd-Alhameed , N. Odeh, F.Hasan, A. Mousa , and J. M. Noras, “Secondary User Undercover Cooperative Dynamic Access Protocol ForOverlay Cognitive Radio Networks”, International Journal of Mobile Network Communications & Telematics. 7(1/2): 1-10, 2017.
3.R.A. Abd-Alhameed, N. Eya, YAS. Dama, A. Masri, E. Jituboh,C. Abdul-jalil, O. Fayemi, S. Shepherd, “ Rekeying Strategies for Efficient Group Key Distribution in Emerging  Wireless Mobile Group Communication Systems”, 9th EAI International Conference on Wireless and Satellite Systems (WISATS 2017), Oxford, UK.
4. Ahmed Masri, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini, Alberto Perotti, Claudio Casetti, Common Control Channel Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks through UWB Communication, Journal of Communications and Networks, Sep/2012

Short Curriculum Vitae

  • PhD in Telecommunication "Cognitive Radio Networks"
  • 2nd Level master "Wireless system and related technologies"
  • BSc in Computer engineering
  • Honor's College
Employment history: 
  •  Project Coordinator Recently, I won a 35000$ research fund under the project proposal "Internet Over TV Spectrum (White Spaces)". Project duration: 1/2/2014 -- 30/1/2016.
  •  Visiting researcher “Mobile Call Details Record (CRD) Analysis” Jyvaskyla – Finland. May 2014 - July 2014
  •  Visiting researcher Cognitive Radio networks: 1. Power saving and performance evaluation of overlay cognitive radio 2. Outdoor DVB-T spectrum measurements for cognitive radio Aalto University, Espoo – Finland. March 2011 - October 2011
  •  Researcher and software developer Enhanced radio resource management in Evolved-UTRA (LTE): 1. Rethink and redesign the inter-cell RRM and inter-cell interference cancellation 2. Studying the performance and limitations/constraints introduced by 3GPP LTE of release-8 specification 3. Software “simulator” developer using C++ Telecom Italia Labs, Torino – Italy. June 2008 - December 2008
  •  IT administrator and teaching assistant 1. Teaching and management tasks 2. Technical support including testing and maintaining the network functionality The Korean Palestinian institute for information technology at an-Najah University, Nablus – Palestine
Curriculum Vitae: 


Member for
11 years 25 weeks