Field Training in Animal Production

ahmad zaazaa's picture
Course Code: 
Course Outline: 


This Course provides students with opportunity to develop basic skills in livestock production. Gained skill will be utilized in all types of practices in the faculty farm. The course will focus on daily and seasonal activities in order to use these gained skills in there future career.

More skills to be obtained through scientific field visits to various agricultural projects in the country. It includes: field mills, hatcheries, large livestock farm and dairy processing.


1. Sheep and Goats:

  1. Management of the sheep operations which includes the following: handling, feeding, Milking, Chearing, aging, washing and trimming (foot rot).
  2. Reproduction in sheep with using hormones (how to use vaginal sponges).
  3. Feeding Program (Nutrient requirements of sheep for different physiological stage).
  4. Rearing lambs and kids on milk, fattening lambs and kids.
  5. Records and record keeping.


2. Dairy Cows:

  1. Training on all farm practices as: feeding, milking and how to manage the housing as put calves, heifers and cows in groups according the age and production.
  2. Management of Dairy cattle farm with use the records.
  3. Control the reproduction in farm dairy cows with use the artificial insemination.
  4. Rearing Calves on milk and fattening calves until 12-14 months.


3. Poultry (Broilers and Layers):


           Broilers Management

  1. Cleaning, disinfection and preparation of the house for placing chicks.
  2. Preparation before, on arrival and ways of placing chicks.
  3. Broiler Management (Brooding, Temperature, Density of birds, Lighting program, Feeding program, Sex (separate), Rearing,Debeaking, Environmental factors, Efficiency of broilers.
  4. Records and record keeping.


           Management Stages for  layers

  • Feeding System include: Brooding, Growing, Preparing and Production stage.
  • Growth Monitoring.
  • Lighting Program.
  • Performance objectives and targets for layers
  • Records.
  • General health program in layer projects.




4. Dairy Manufacture:

  1. To know the industrial machines, equipment and instruments includes milk collection instruments, laboratory equipments, Pasteurization machine, and fermented products.
  2. Processing the milk into products as: milk pasteurization, Yoghurt, labanah thick cream yoghurt) and soft cheese.
  3. Cleaning and disinfection the machines, equipment, instruments and the Constructions of the dairy.


Grading System

Reports                  50%

Final exam             50%


Time of field training

Wednesday         10-12

Thursday             10-12