Project Management

abubaker's picture
Course Code: 
Course Outline: 

Text Books:

  • Jack R. Meredith , Samuel J. Mantel, 2000, 4th edition: Project Management – a managerial approach
  • Project Management Process, Methodology, and Economics, Avraham Shtub, Jonathan F. Bard, Shlomo Globerson
  • Handouts and other sources will be distributed as we proceed in the subject

Course Objectives

            This course has been designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understanding the project management process, the techniques employed in effective project management and the application of these project management tools in the working environment.

  • Understand the meaning and application of the term Project Management.
  • Understand the project life cycle.
  • Utilize and apply the project management process to include: planning, scheduling, cost controlling and resources allocation.
  • Using MS-Project 2003 / Primiavara for Project management


Courses contents:

  1. Projects in contemporary organizations.
  2. The project manager
  3. Project organization.
  4. Project Planning.
  5. Budgeting and cost estimation
  6. Scheduling ( Network Techniques: CPM, PERT, and Gantt Charts )
  7. Resource allocation.
  8. Project controlling
  9. Project termination.

Class Participation

You are expected to attend classes and participate actively in discussions.  There will be a subjective evaluation of your contribution in class. The quality of your contribution is more important than the quantity. Class attendance will be monitored and will be factored into the class participation points.


COURSE EVALUATION                                                                                                                   

  •  PM assignment using MS-Project 2003                                                        10%
  • Midterm Exam I                                                                                          20%
  • Midterm Exam II                                                                                         20%
  • Final Exam                                                                                                  50%