Abdul-Rahman Qadan's picture

User Profile

Basic Information

Full Name: 
Abdul-Rahman Mohammad Saleh Qadan
Martial Status: 

Contact Information


Personal Information

About me: 

Short Curriculum Vitae

  • 1995-1999 BA in the English Language and Literature-An-Najah University-Nablus-Palestine
  • 1999-2001 MA in Linguistics- University of Northampton-UK
Employment history: 
  • I have been an instructor of basic English courses at An-Najah National University since 2002. I taught for five years in the Department of English before moving into the Language Centre where I currently teach English as a foreign language.
Research Interests: 
  • As an instructor of English as foreign language at An-Najah National University, I have various research interests. Basically, I have always been interested in research areas related to the teaching of English as a foreign or a second language in a cultural context
  • I'm also concerned with sociolinguistics as a research area. In addition, I have developed research interests in the domain of Translation in relation to cultural background and how this background could significantly influence the rendering and perception of a certain text.
Research Groups: 
  • Dr. Ekrema Shehab
  • Dr. Abdelkarim Daragmeh
Curriculum Vitae: 


Member for
9 years 19 weeks