Rib Fracture: Different Radiographic Projections

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Journal Title, Volume, Page: 
Pol J Radiol., 77(4):13-6
Year of Publication: 
Abed Al Nasser Assi
Arab-American University, Palestine
Current Affiliation: 
Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, Department of Biomedical Sciences, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Yaser nazal
AL-Razi Hospital, Palestine
Preferred Abstract (Original): 
Rib fracture is the most common thoracic injury. It is thought to be present in 10% of all traumatic injuries and in almost 40% of patients who sustained severe non-penetrating trauma. There are 12 pairs of ribs. This study reviews various methods of acquisition and reconstruction of radiographic images of traumatic rib fractures in order to determine the optimal views and to simplify rib fracture diagnostics. Material/Methods: Eight different plain radiography pictures of ribs were performed with the patient in an erect position. The following projections were obtained in sequence: oblique at 45° or 30° angle on inspiration, oblique at 45° or 30° angle on expiration as well as 45° and 39° projections during slow and fast breathing. All radiographic examinations were performed using a Philips three-phase scanner installed at the Al- Razi Hospital in Jenin, Palestine. Results: The results demonstrate that the 45° antero-posterior oblique projection performed on expiration is recommended for diagnostics and interpretation of traumatic rib fractures. Conclusions: Conclusion emerging from this study are such that for a 45° oblique view on expiration is recommended for radiographic imaging of patients with clinical signs of fracture, e.g. evaluation of lower rib fractures, while 45° oblique view during fast breathing is recommended for suspected upper rib fractures
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