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User Profile

Basic Information

Full Name: 
Fawwaz Abu-Diak

Contact Information

Email addresses: 
[email protected]

Personal Information

About me: 

Short Curriculum Vitae

  • Ph.D Michigan State University, Jun 1984‎
  • M.Sc .University of Jordan Jun. 1979‎
  • B.Sc. University of Jordan, Feb. 1977
Employment history: 
  • Associate Professor, An-Najah N. University, July 1991-now
  • Teaching Assistant, College of Science and Tech. July 1979-Mar.1980
  • Teaching Assistant, Michigan State University, Mar. 1980 – Jun 1984
  • Assistant Professor, College of Science and Tech. Sept. 1984 – Sept. 1986
  • Assistant Professor, An-Najah N. University, Oct. 1986 –July 1991
  • Member of the Editorial Board of An-Najah Journal of Research, Oct. 1988-Oct.1993‎
  • Visiting Assistant Professor, Michigan State University, Oct. 1989-July 1990‎
  • Member of the Editorial Board of An-Najah Journal of Research, Oct. 1991-‎ ‎Oct.1993‎
  • A founder and an officer of the Palestinian Society for Mathematical ‎Sciences, founded in 1992‎
  • Chairman of the Department of mathematics at An-Najah N. University‎, ‎June 1992-Nov.1994‎
  • Member of the committee of Scientific Research at An-Najah University ‎(1994-1996)‎
  • A Member of the discipline committee at the university (1992-Now)‎
  • A Member of several academic and technical committees at the university‎
  • A DAAD Scholarship recipient in Summur1996 (Belifield University), ‎Germany June-August 1996‎
  • Germany June-August 1996‎
  • Dean of Admission and Registration, 1999-2003‎
  • Visiting professor at the Arab American university at Jinin
Research Interests: 
  • Topology
  • Algebraic Topology
  • Transformation Groups
  • Manifolds
Curriculum Vitae: 


Member for
11 years 15 weeks