Titlesort icon Journal Title, Volume, Page Full Text Year of Publication
‎Immigration of Labor force in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: its Size, ‎ Characteristics and Motives Samid Al-Iqtisadi, No. 75 1989
Unemployment in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, 1968-1991 United Nations Economical and Social Committee for Western Asia (ESCWA) 1992
The Status of Decent Work in the Palestinian Territories Palestinian National Authority, Ministry of Labor, Ramallah 2011
The Role of Arab University Education in Industrial Development Union of Arab University, 1997 1997
The Palestinian Economy Under the Israeli Occupation from 1948-1994 Majmah EL-Lugah Arabia (Arabic Language Forum), Jordan University, Amman 1995 1995
The Effects of the Palestinian Intifada on the Israeli Economy Al-Kateb, No. 115 1989
The Economy of Palestinian Construction and Building Sector Reconstruction of Palestine, Union Studies Center, PECDAR 1997
The Economic and Social Impact of the Israeli Regional Planning in the West Bank Qira’at Siayasiah (Political Reading) Vol. 2. No. 3 1992
The Economic and Social Impact of the Israeli Regional Planning in the West Bank Qira’at Siayasiah (Political Reading) Vol. 2. No. 3, Winter 1412H/1992, World and Islam Studies Enterprise (WISE) Tempa, Fla Vsa 1992
The Conditions of Industry in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip) Same Al-Iqtisadi, No. 81 1990
The Central Role of Jerusalem in the Palestinian Economy and Future State Palestinian Institute for Economic Policy, MAS, Ramallah 2011
Socio-Economic Conditions of the West Bank and Gaza Strip Workers in Israel, , An-Najah National University Documentation, Transcripts and Publication Center 1987
Social Structure and Income Distribution Pattern in the West Bank and Gaza Strip An-Najah National University, Nablus 1987 1987
Review of Labor and Employment Trends in the West Bank and Gaza Strip UNCTAD/ ECDC/ SEU/9   1995
Palestinian-Israeli-Jordanian Labor Mobility: The Current Situation and Issues for a Peaceful Future Stanley Fischer, leonard J. Hanseman, Anna D.Karasik and Thomas C. Schelling (Editors), Securing Peace in the Middle East, MIT press, 1994 1994
Palestinian Medium-term Employment Strategy ILO, Palestinian Ministry of Labor, Ramalla, 1999 1999
Palestinian Emergency Employment Plan.ILO Ministry of Labor,Ramallah 2001
Macroeconomic Development Indicators, Unemployment, Poverty and Income Distribution in Palestine Annual Economic Report 2012, Palestinian Development Council (PECDAR) 2012
Macro Economic Development Indicators in the OPT Annual Economic Report 2011, Palestinian Economic Development Council (PECDAR) 2012
Labor Market in the West Bank and Gaza Strip An-Najah National University, Nablus, 1987 1987
Investment Environment in Palestine Arab Industrial Development And Mining Organization 1999
Industrialization in the West Bank, Documentation, Transcripts and Publications Center 1991
Income Distribution and its Social impact in the Occupied Palestinian Territories in Kamel Abu-Jaber and others (editors): Income Distribution in Jordan Westview Press 1990
Impact of Government Spending on Economic Development in the Palestinian Teritorries Center for Palestine Research and Studies (CPRS), Nablus , January 2003 2003
Human Resources in the Occupied Palestinian Territories Louis Blin and Philippe Fargues (edt.), The Economy of Peace in the Middle East, Maisonneuve et Larose/CEDEJ 1995 1995