Multi-Service Group Key Management for High Speed Wireless Mobile Multicast Networks

yasdama's picture
Year of Publication: 
Trust TSHEPO Mapoka
Simon J. Shepherd
Yousef Dama
Current Affiliation: 
Department of Telecommunication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, An-Najah National University, Nablus. Palestine
Haider M. Al Sabbagh
Raed Abd-Alhameed
Preferred Abstract (Original): 

Recently there is a high demand from the Internet Service Providers to transmit multimedia services over high speed wireless networks. These networks are characterized by high mobility receivers which perform frequent handoffs across homogenous and heterogeneous access networks while maintaining seamless connectivity to the multimedia services.  In order to ensure secure delivery of multimedia services to legitimate group members, the conventional cluster based group key management (GKM) schemes for securing group communication over wireless mobile multicast networks have been proposed.
see the full abstract in the attached file

Multi-Service_Group_Key_Management_for_High_Speed_Wireless_Mobile_Multicast_Networks.pdf770.52 KB