Memory effects in RF transmitters

yasdama's picture
T. Sadeghpour
Raed Abd-Alhameed
Haleh Karkhaneh
Issa Tamer Elfergani
Yousef Dama
Current Affiliation: 
Department of Telecommunication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, An-Najah National University, Nablus. Palestine
Ayaz Ghorbani
Peter Excell
Preferred Abstract (Original): 

This paper investigates memory effects in RF transmitters due to the high-power amplifiers (HPA). Phenomena such as asymmetries in lower and upper intermodulation terms, and variation of nonlinear characteristic, depending on signal history, are usually observed at the output of high-power amplifiers. These effects have been practically investigated using a 3.5-GHz N-channel enhancement-mode lateral MOSFET power amplifier and different signals such as two-tone and multicarrier OFDM.