European Wireless 2013

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Research Title: 
Fractional Fourier Transform Modulation for Multiple Input Multiple Output Multicarrier Systems
Anoh, K. O. O.
Abd-Alhameed, R. A.
Jones, S. M. R.
Noras, J. M.
Ghazaany, T.
Dama, Y. A. S.
Thu, 2013-04-18
Research Abstract: 
A study of the Fractional Fourier Transform (FrFT) and wavelet packet transform (WPT) modulation schemes for Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) multicarrier systems is presented. The implementation involves using the FrFT and WPT as the baseband multiplexing kernel, for multicarrier modulation. Using the Alamouti diversity technique a study of FrFT- and WPTMIMO multicarrier systems is studied. At first, we report consistent theoretical and simulated results with those in the original Alamouti work. Then, the scheme is implemented for WPT-MIMO and FrFT-MIMO cases with up to 2x2 receiver diversity. It will be shown that the diversity gain for FrFT is less than the diversity gain for WPT-MIMO modulation. Consequently, it would cost more transmit power to drive FrFT as a baseband multicarrier kernel than the WPT in MIMO systems. Keywords - Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO); Fractional Fourier Transform (FrFT); Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT); OFDM; Alamouti Space Time Block Coding (A-STBC).