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Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Nurses knowledge, attitude, and practices in the management of childhood fever in Nablus Hospital Omer Hasan Abdel-Ghani Almahmood 2015-09-28 12:31
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision On a mathematical design system: Maximum Reliability, Minimum Cost Mohammad Najeeb Assad 2015-10-07 11:41
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision 2- أثر استخدام التعليم بمساعدة الحاسوب بلغة فيجوال بيسك على التحصيل الآني والمؤجل لطلبة الصف السابع الأساسي ودافع انجازهم في تعليم الرياضيات في مدينة نابلس Mohammad Najeeb Assad 2015-10-07 11:42
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision 3- Analysis of the logistic distribution use in suppression technique for scalability in multicast routing. Mohammad Najeeb Assad 2015-10-07 11:44
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Modeling Pedestrian Behavior on Pedestrian Crosswalk Mohammad Najeeb Assad 2015-10-07 11:45
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Methods for Some Infectious Diseases Dr Samir A Matar 2015-10-07 12:04
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Assessment of biodiversity among Palestinian landraces of Cucumis melo L. groups based on morphological descriptors and molecular markers (RAPD and ISSR) Sami Yaish 2015-10-14 10:11
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Blood lead levels among school children in Jenin District: a developed anodic stripping voltametry method (ASV/HDME) for blood lead measurement Ahed Husni Abdel Razaq Zyoud 2015-10-14 12:01
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision العقيدة اساس التربية والنظم الاسلامية Mohammad Shraideh 2015-11-08 13:24
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision الايمان ومبطلاته Mohammad Shraideh 2015-11-08 13:25
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision الاسمان ومبطلاته Mohammad Shraideh 2015-11-08 13:39
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision العقيدة اساس التربية والنظم الاسلامية Mohammad Shraideh 2015-11-08 13:40
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision The Effects of Partial Replacement of Soybean Meal in the Grower Diet with Sun-Dried Blood and Boiled Feather Meals on the Performance of Broiler Chicks Maen Helmi Abdalla Samara 2015-11-26 09:54
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision الوصف والغزل في شعر الوأواء الدمشقي عبدالخالق عبدالله عودة عيسى 2016-01-12 14:19
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Experience of Diabetic Patients after an Amputation in Nablus City . Shorooq G. Qadous 2016-01-12 14:41
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Quality of life for patient with type II Diabetes in Nort West Bank Shorooq G. Qadous 2016-01-12 14:47
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision الاستقصاء والتحليل في شيمة الكرم في الشعر العباسي عبدالخالق عبدالله عودة عيسى 2016-01-13 14:35
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Reality of Road Safety Conditions at Critical Locations in Nablus City with a Road Mapfor Future Interventions Khaled Ahmad Al-Sahili 2016-01-18 16:13
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Modeling Relationship between Geometric Design Consistency and Road Safety for Two-Lane Rural Highways in the West Bank Khaled Ahmad Al-Sahili 2016-01-18 16:14
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Application of Superpave System for Binder Selection Based on Local Conditions Khaled Ahmad Al-Sahili 2016-01-18 16:16
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Impact of the Current Transportation System on Poverty in the West Bank (Case Study: Nablus) Khaled Ahmad Al-Sahili 2016-01-18 16:18
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Analysis and Short-Term Future Vision for the Transportation Plan in Jenin City Khaled Ahmad Al-Sahili 2016-01-18 16:20
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Compliance of Access Management Techniques on Urban Arterials in Nablus City Khaled Ahmad Al-Sahili 2016-01-20 10:02
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Accessibility Measures to Public Services in Palestinian Cities: The Case of Nablus City Khaled Ahmad Al-Sahili 2016-01-20 10:24
Thesis/Graduation Project Supervision Translating Canned & Packed FoodProducts’ Labels from Arabic intoEnglish: Problems and Strategies Fayez Mohammad Abdulrahman Aqel 2016-01-20 11:08