Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2013 IEEE 7th International

TamerKhatib's picture
Research Title: 
Optimization of photovoltaic modules tilt angle for Oman
Kazem, H.A.
Khatib, T.
Alwaeli, A.A.K.
Sat, 2012-12-01
Optimization of photovoltaic modules tilt angle for Oman.pdf215.08 KB
Research Abstract: 

This paper presents a method for optimization of photovoltaic modules tilt angle for Sohar, Oman. Numerical method for optimization of the PV module tilt angle, is implemented using MATLAB and hourly meteorological data and load demand. The results show that for Sohar zone the tilt angle of a PV array must be adjusted twice a year where the PV array must be slanted at 49 degrees in the period of 21/0921/03 (n=255-81), while it must be horizontal (tilt angle is zero) in the period of 21/03-21/09 (n=81-255). This adjustment practice gains the energy collected by a PV array by 24.6%.This paper contains important information for those who are interested in photovoltaic system investment in Oman.