Multimer Resolution Systems of Cole1 And Colk: Localisation of The Crossover Site

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Journal Title, Volume, Page: 
Molecular and General Genetics MGG November 22, 1985, Volume 201, Issue 2, pp 334-338
Year of Publication: 
David Summers
Institute Of Genetics, University Of Glasgow, Church Street, Glasgow G11 5JS, UK
Sami Yaish
Department of Biological Sciences, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Current Affiliation: 
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, An-Najah National University, Nablus. Palestine
John Archer
Institute Of Genetics, University Of Glasgow, Church Street, Glasgow G11 5JS, UK
David Sherratt
Institute Of Genetics, University Of Glasgow, Church Street, Glasgow G11 5JS, UK
Preferred Abstract (Original): 

We have identified and characterised a stability function encoded by the high copy plasmid ColK. The function is analogous to ColE1 cer and maximises stability by maintaining plasmids in the monomeric state. In vivo recombination between cer and ckr (which share more than 90% homology at the DNA sequence level) produced a functional hybrid. Sequence analysis of hybrids indicates that recombination involving cer and ckr is site-specific and occurs within a 35 bp region of DNA which contains palindromic symmetry.

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