Conference Research Titlesort icon Date
The Imprisoned Press A Resisting Media Behind Bars Wed, 2013-06-26
Conference on Arab Spring A Rights-based Approach to Non-violence
Conference on Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons Community Contribution to Efforts of NGOs in Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons
Community Development in Palestine Community Development in Palestine: Concepts and Practice Sat, 2001-09-29
The 5th International Conference on the Child Community Supportive Education: Helping Disadvantaged Children to Overcome Learning Difficulties Due to Socio-Economic Conditions Thu, 2002-05-23
Conference on Primary Education Conceptual and Practical Difficulty of Science in Grade 3 as Perceived by Science Teachers in Nablus District Schools
The Second Palestinian Conference on Physics Teaching Energy Concepts in School Science Curriculum in Palestine
Euro Summer School 2001 Conference Interaction of Palestinian Culture with Surrounding Cultures Sat, 2001-07-07
Difficulties facing Education in Palestine Intervention to Face Difficulties of Learning Caused by Students’ Family Environment
9th conference on Children Rights Protecting Children Rights in Conflicts: A social-educational approach to the Palestinian situation
Peaceful Resistance in Palestine Revival of Non-Violence in Palestine: Some Conditions and Limitations Tue, 2013-04-30
Social Responsibility of Palestinian Universities The Experience of An-Najah National University in Social Responsibility
Conference on Social Work Profession in Palestine The Potentials of Welfare Mix in Palestine
The First Palestinian Conference on Physics Teaching Training Teachers on Designing and Producing Scientific Demonstrations Using Disposable Materials
Legal Empowerment Strategies for the Promotion of Socioeconomic Accountability Transforming Awareness Into Action/Change Wed, 2013-06-19
Voluntary Work in Palestine: Reality and Requirements Conference Voluntary Work between Using Free Efforts and Participatory Empowerment
تجليات حركة التاريخ في مدينة نابلس الثقافة كوسيلة للتمكين النفسي والاجتماعي في مواجهة القمع اليومي: تجربة سجن نابلس المركزي في سبعينات القرن الماضي Tue, 2012-10-02
المؤتمر الوطني التاسع للأطفال الحفاظ على الطفولة حتى في أصعب الظروف: السياق الفلسطيني Wed, 2011-10-26
دور الخدمة الاجتماعية في المجتمع الفلسطيني الرفاه المختلط والتنمية الإنسانية في فلسطين: مقومات النجاح Tue, 2011-11-01