The Kinetic Study of Adsorption of Copper Metal Ion in Selected Contaminated Red Soil Samples in Palestine

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Journal Title, Volume, Page: 
J. Chem. Chem. Eng. 5 (2011) 873-879
Shehdeh Jodeh
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Ahmad A Abu-Obaid
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Preferred Abstract (Original): 

Heavy metals are persistent pollutants in the environment. Problems associated with the cleanup of sites contaminated by metals have demonstrated the need to develop remediation technologies that are feasible, quick, and effective in a wide range of physical settings. In this study we have investigated the adsorption of Cu (II), onto red soil in single and multi-element systems as a function of soil and heavy metal concentrations. Before contamination, soils were characterized to determine particle size, pH, organic matter ...

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