Urethroplasty; Wide Range of Therapeutic Indications and Surgical Techniques

mmustafa's picture
Publication Year: 
ISBN 978-953-307-392

Urethroplasty means plastic surgery of the urethra. Herein we are going to describe urethroplasty in terms of; diagnosis, indicati ons, surgical techniques and definition of failure or success. A lot of issues related to ur ethroplasty remain to be defined, therefore we will clarify the debatable issues and highlight the last advances on urethroplasty. There are two main causes which mandate ur ethroplasty; the first is the congenital anomalies with hypospadias being the most common, and the acquired anomalies with urethral stricture being the most common of them. Hypospadias is found commonly in newborn boys and it seen in approximately 8.2 per 1000 births. The goal of hypospadias reconstruction are to bring the meatus close to glans to allow the child to void standing, removing the chordee to allo w for normal sexual intercou rse and giving the phallus appearance of a normally circumcised penis wh en observed from distance. There are more than 200 named surgical procedure to correct hypospadias. Now a days tubularized incised plate (TIP) urethroplasty described by Snod grass in 1994 is the most common procedure used for repair of hypospadias. The advantages of this technique include its simplicity, high success rate, low rate of complication and excellent cosmetic results. A lot of modifications were introduced on the TIP urethroplasty ai ming to improve the success rate and to decrease fistula formation. We were from the firsts who published such modification regarding the use of double- layer dartos flap covering for urethra instead of the classic way of utilizing dorsal dartos flap (button hole maneuver).

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