Conferencesort icon Research Title Date
Walls: Antecedents and Consequences of Segregation and Integration Is it a Protracted Social Conflict?
Violence Among Arabs in Israel: Dimensions and Consequences Violence at Arab Schools in Israel: Is There a Way Out? Mon, 2009-12-14
Third International Conference on Teacher Education Almost 2000: Crises and Challenges in Teacher Education
The Right of Return and the Just Peace in the Middle East Presided over a panel entitled "Right of Return in the Palestinian and Israeli Agendas"
the policy of impoverishing” Guardians Hotel Arabs in Israel: How to Build Up a Proficient Society
The Palestinian Forum of Israeli Studies Israeli Political Development in 2005 Thu, 2006-04-20
The Palestinian Forum of Israeli Studies Hamas Victory in the Palestinian Election in West Bank and Gaza Strip: The Israeli Prespective Tue, 2006-03-07
The Jewishness of the State of Israel and the Arabs in Israel: A Future Perspective The Crisis in Arab Local Authorities in Israel: Relationship with the Jewishness of the State of Israel Fri, 2009-12-18
The Gaza Battle: What Next? The War on Gaza: Strategic Implication on Israel
the Civil Service: Reality and Challenges The civil service of the Arab citizens and the role of the Arab local authorities Fri, 2012-12-07
the annual conference of the Association for Israeli Studies Arab and Jewish College students in Israel: Attitudes Toward Collective Grievances
the annual conference of the Association for Israeli Studies From Relative Deprivation to Political Violence: Arabs in Israel
the 38th Annual conference of the Israeli Anthropological Association Change in ArabChange in Village Under Jewish Domination: The Case of Musmus Village, Israel Mon, 2009-12-28
The 26 Annual Conference of the Association for Israeli Studies Ethnic Minorities, Land and Israeli Politics Thu, 2009-12-10
Russian-speaking Jewry in Global Perspective: Power, Politics and Community Non-Jewish Russian-speaking Immigrant in Israel: Religious Identity and Relationship with Arab Citizens
researcher's two-days-conference The Palestinian Revolt, 1936-39, and the Palestinian Intifada (1987-): Learned Lessons by the Palestinians
Pluralism in the Arab World Arabs in Israel: their conflict with the state
Israel in the International Arena Israel and the Arab Spring: The Impact on Israel
Haifa International Conference for the Right of Return and the Secular Democratic State in Palestine The Palestinian Question, from Understanding the Conflict, to Defiance: Theory and Practice
Global, Regional, and Local: Law, Politics, and Society in Comparative Perspective The Six Day War, 1967: Revisited
Economy, Politics, and Security: Global and Regional Changes Is There a Solution to the Conflict Between Jews and Arabs in the Holy Land? Thu, 2008-12-25
Differences and Pluralism From an Islamic Perspective The Moslem Movement in Israel
Democratic Citizenship and War The 2006 War on Lebanon: Impact on Arab Citizens of Israel
conference at Haifa Israeli Political Development: Reflection of the March Elections Thu, 2005-12-22
Change Plans in the Middle East and Their Prospect The Zionist Plan: Strengths and Weakness