الإجازة في علم القافية والشعر العربي

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Journal Title, Volume, Page: 
An-Najah University Journal For Research - Humanities, Volume 13, Issue 1,Pages:147-166, 1999
Year of Publication: 
Khalil Muhammad Odeh
College Of Arts, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
Preferred Abstract (Original): 

License in Arabic Rhyme Poetry
This research paper undertakes the poetic license as it is dealt with in the
use of the mechanics of Arabic poetry. Arab critics considered the poetic
license as a drawback of the rhyme; the poet deviates fiom the consistent
The study also undertakes the poetic license as it appears in poetic texts.
It is seen as a measure that tests the poet's ability to improvise with carefbl
attention to meter, rhyme and meaning.

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License_in_Arabic_Rhyme_Poetry.pdf8.58 MB