The Use of Transition-Metal Complexes as Catalysts in Tertiary Silanes Reactions with Unsaturated Organic Compounds and Alcohol: A Review

Hikmat S. Hilal's picture
Journal Title, Volume, Page: 
An-Najah University Journal For Research - Natural Sciences, Volume 5, 1988 Pages:50-78
Year of Publication: 
Hikmat S.Hilal
Department of Chemistry, An-Najah N. University, Nablus, PO Box 7, West Bank, Palestine
Current Affiliation: 
Department of Chemistry, An-Najah N. University, Nablus, PO Box 7, West Bank, Palestine
Preferred Abstract (Original): 

This review deals with reactions of tertiary silanes R3SiH with unsaturated organic compounds (e.g. alkanes, dienes, alkynes, ketones, and aldehydes) and with alcohols R'OH, using transition- metal complexes as catalysts. Due to the bulk of relevant literature, special attention has been given to mechanistic aspects of the roles of the catalyst in the reaction. Main references which appeared in the period l960-1986, have been reviewed.

The Use of Transition-Metal Complexes as Catalysts in Tertiary Silanes Reactions with Unsaturated Organic Compounds and Alcohol: A Review1.42 MB