Atomic-Level Imaging of Co2 Disposal as a Carbonate Mineral: Optimizing Reaction Process Design; Annual

Hamdallah Bearat's picture
Journal Title, Volume, Page: 
National Energy Technology Lab., Pittsburgh, PA (United States) 2000
Year of Publication: 
MJ McKelvy
R Sharma
AVG Chizmeshya
H Bearat
Current Affiliation: 
Department of Materials Science, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, An-Najah National University, Nablus. Palestine
RW Carpenter
Preferred Abstract (Original): 

Fossil fuels, especially coal, can support the energy demands of the world for centuries to come, if the environmental problems associated with CO (sub 2) emissions can be overcome. Permanent and safe methods for CO (sub 2) capture and disposal/storage need to be developed. Mineralization of stationary-source CO (sub 2) emissions as carbonates can provide such safe capture and long-term sequestration. Mg-rich lamellar-hydroxide based minerals (eg, brucite and serpentine) offer a class of widely available, low-cost ...
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Atomic-Level_Imaging_of_Co2_Disposal_as_a_Carbonate_Mineral_Optimizing_Reaction_Process_Design;_Annual.pdf6.18 MB