Osteoporosis among Palestinian Women: Evaluation of risk Factors.

Eman Alshawish Jayyose's picture
Year of Publication: 
Preferred Abstract (Original): 


Dr Eman Alshawish or (Iman Alshaweesh)

Osteoporosis is an insidious disease It is asymptomatic disease till the subject gets bone fracture such as hip fracture, vertebral (lumber spine) fracture and medraduis fracture with minor trauma. h is a worldwide health problem, for women in particular, and its risk factors, protective factors and early diagnosis have been yell documented in many populations worldwide. However the Palestinian population in general and the high risk group Palestinian women has not been studied The confirming diagnosis to this disease is a retrospective one based on the occurrence of the fractures mentioned above in the patient with no or little trauma Our study will be the first detailed study of osteoporosis in Palestinian is omen based on 338 -subject of Palestinian women at various ages. The sample contains osteoporotic, osteopenia and normal subjects. We will compare osteoporotie women to their age matched normal controls. In this study we want to address the question does osteoporosis in Palestinian women follow the same worldwide pattern with regard to prevalence, risk factors and protective factors as the worldwide one or not? After analysis and based on WHO definition of osteoporosis we found that 81 women have osteoporosis, 137 women have osteopenia and 130 women are normal Furthermore comparing the osteoporotic and normal groups together using SPSS chi-square test analysis we confirm that the following universal factors affect the progress of osteoporosis in Palestinian women These significant factors in our study include aging, menopause. life style (low consumption of milk or its product. poor sport activities and high caffeine intake), loss of weight, body weight, early menopause, risky disease as rheumatic disease, and steroid therapy. Based on these result prevention must be focused on risky groups, and on bone densitomeiry DNA for early prevention of this silent disease.